T/D The Actor's Debut

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"Hello everybody . . I heard it's game night. . . may I come in?"


Actor blinked, a little surprised, "uH . . . Why not?"

"Because I hate you and you're a dick" Dark was very blunt.

"Well that doesn't seem very family friendly" Actor mumbled.

"This whole NIGHT has not been family friendly. Not kindly get off the fucking property before I slide your face in the mud"

Actor feigned being hurt.

"Now hold on a moment, Dark" Mark came up behind him, " . . . We are playing truth or dare, after all. It's game night. A fun night for everyone. Maybe we should let him join in." Mark gave him a subtle wink.

Dark caught it but was still unsure.

Mark took over the conversation, "Actor, do you promise you'll behave tonight if we let you participate?"

"Of COURSE!" Actor smiled dramatically, "I'm not here to RUIN anything! I'm here to just have FUN!"

"You idea of fun is normally to ruin ours" Google piped up from the back.

Dark sighed but relented, knowing Mark wanted this and had something up his sleeve anyway.

"Fine. . . . . you can come in and play the game with us . . . but if I sense any funny business from you, you're out of here . . . with one less limb than what you arrived here with" Dark threatened.

Actor blinked, obviously not threatened by him, "Why thank you, Dark." he slid past the head ego like a little snake, "So where are we playing? Hello friends. . . nice to see you all again"

Dark shut the door and mumbled to Mark, "You're sure about this?"

Mark shrugged, "What's the harm? Plus if it lands on him, we get to dare him to do things or make him answer weird questions"

"Fair enough."

They all went back in the living room and sat on the floor around the bottle. No one WANTED to sit by Actor but Henrik and Eric found themselves beside him, a little uncomfortable.

EVERYONE was uncomfortable.

Anti stared at Actor, trying to get a read on him only to be shook out of his thoughts by Dark.

"Anti . . . I believe you were about to spin the bottle next?"

He nodded, "Right . . ."

He spun and it landed on Bing.

"You know the drill, android. Truth or Dare?"

"Truth, my dude"

Anti felt a smile creeping on his face, "Alright . . . . .Since you're an android. . . . and have human parts mixed with mechanical. . ..can you feel sexual desire or needs?"

Bing shrugged, "Well yeah, both Google AND I can."

Everyone was stunned at that.

"Wait" Chase broke in, "So . . you can get an erection?. . . and. . . . do things? How?"

Bing blinked at him, confused, "We're androids, Chase. . . . that means we're a perfect hybrid between robot and human. We both have some human organs and nerves, which also covers. . . the nerves in the lower regions"

"We just don't get turned on like you humans do as often because we're focused on our primary objectives" Google agreed.


Anti crossed his arms, a little irritated that the answer wasn't as cool or humiliating as he wanted.

Actor looked very bored already and rolled his eyes, 'Are these seriously the kinds of questions they ask in this stupid game?'

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