Deepest Secret

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"I find it really stupid that we had to come all this way for this. Why couldn't we just do this at our usual spot?" 

"We already went over this Jody. The ally-way behind the bakery is already under surveillance. If we go back there we are going to get caught and trust me, I am not going back to juvenile for this."

Every Friday night, Jody and Terrence wandered the streets of Figgleberry looking for a wall to terrorize with their spray cans. There was something exciting about disobeying all known laws and becoming rebels. Of course no one knew it was them spray-painting the small peaceful town because of their discretion and great ability to play innocent. They had known each other since Jody was 6 years old. Their friendship was a little interesting considering Terrence had never spoken to anyone outside of his family and he always felt trapped in crowded places. Jody, however, seemed to know exactly how to help Terrence relax and be free. The same went for her as well. She had a dark in her that nobody knew about, only Terrence could calm down. Terrence had heard from his father who was a cop that there was surveillance at the bakery so they couldn't do their practise graffiti there anymore unless they wanted to get caught.

The night was still young and the moon was lit bright in the sky making it easy for them to see if anyone was coming from the road and into the scrapyard. Jody hated being there with every bone in her body but for some reason Terrence always hauled her there.

 "So listen," Jody began to speak. "I don't know how much longer I can keep up this dumb act, we need to tell my parents the truth. I love my mom and dad, I can't keep lying to them like this. It's making me completely uncomfortable and I feel like I am living a lie." Terrence replied with a strange look on his face. "Come on Jo. It's only for a few more days. Besides it's not like anyone is going to die from not knowing." "Its been 2 years Terrence. How much longer will I live with this guilt?" Jody had many dark secrets, but there were certain things that she felt uncomfortable not telling to her parents. "I've known about my parents' secret for 2 years." She continued, "Don't you think it's time that we spoke to them about it?" Terrence really wanted to help Jody out but he knew she was walking down a dangerous path. He didn't know how to get her to focus on something else and drop the case so instead he spent the past 2 years tricking her into stalling the confrontation between her and her parents. "Jo, I know how important this is for you, but it is also consuming you. If you speak to your parents about this right now, then everything we have worked so hard for for these past years would've been for nothing. Just a few more days. I know it's a big ask, but it will be worth it. Hey, you've waited 2 years right. What's a few day more huh? What do you say?" he says as he smiles at her and gently grabs her hand. She sees the reflection of the moon brightening his violet eyes and instantly she caves in and is left without another word to argue. "You were always annoying," she says quietly as she rolls her eyes. "Fine. but only a few more days. After that I'm talking to them and not even you will be able to stop me. Now come on. Let's go get something to eat. This place that you love so much gives me the creeps and always makes me hungry." They left the scrapyard and headed for their favourite pizza house, all the while not realising that someone was close-by  and listening in.

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