Midnight Hunger

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"Cut!" The director yelled, indicating that we had arrived at the end of the shooting for today. I sighed and gave a small smile at my coworker who also is my love interest for this new movie we are shooting for.

"Nice work, Jenkins." He complimented. White pearly teeth made his smile more gorgeous. It is no wonder why Adam Doherty is named as the Ladies' Heartthrob for this year. "You too. See you tomorrow." I replied shyly. After exchanging goodbyes with everyone on the set, I grabbed my stuff and went home immediately.

The dark sky is being decorated with bright stars tonight. When the red light hits, I take some time to admire the sky's beauty. It's my favourite thing to do every time I'm on my way back home after a long day of being on set. While at it, as usual, my stomach grumbled. It was not a small matter to ignore. It grumbled loudly even I was embarrassed to hear it although I am alone.

It had been quite a while since I ate some good hearty meals. Ever since I won the award for the Best Female Lead last year, my schedule is extremely hectic.

Of course, I love my job. I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world. It's just that.. it has slowly become unenjoyable since I barely had the time to fulfill my hunger. I had to shoot films there and then, if not I have interviews to attend or some late-night shows and games to appear on. The least energy taking is modelling shoots which I rarely partake in.

I could feel the acid in my esophagus now. The hunger is so undeniable, I felt extremely nauseous. My head is heavy with the thoughts of food. The extreme malnourishment is too unbearable for me. My stomach was hurting so bad, I then took a different path to a quieter place I've never been before.

Quickly, I opened the door and vomited right outside onto the green grass. Goodness, I feel horrible. There's barely anything I'm vomiting. It is clear I need to get some food in me or I will definitely make some anorexic jealous of my current state.

After purging my nauseousness out of my system, I get back into my car. I closed my eyes, trying to gain some strength and consciousness. After a few minutes of deep breaths, I decided to go around the small town and look for some any open restaurants. Preferably, I would try to find a small and local ones to avoid being recognised. Signing autographs and taking pictures with fans are the last thing I wish for at this current state.

However, I don't think I would get recognised at all. I look hideous right now. In fact I look extremely unrecognisable. I bet I could make an old lady laugh terribly if I claim I was the Best Female Lead winner for last year.

My nose suddenly picked up a smell that made my stomach grumbles in greater pain. I hold it to give it some sort of support, attempting to ease the pain. The fresh and sharp smell from somewhere is not really helping my current situation.

Sigh. I guess I better try to find any open restaurants at this moment. Which would be quite hard considering the fact that it's literally past midnight.

I struggle my way through the old fashioned buildings. The insanely beautiful architecture really managed to win my heart. So many details on the wooden pillars. The carvings seemed to tell thousands of stories, rich with faces and animals carved carefully on it. If it were not for my torturing hunger, I would've paid more attention to them.

It did not took me quite long to figure out the place that serves the food of the smell. The strong smell of spices guided me the ways to reach them. It is a small restaurant. Minimal decorations were put outside. Only a few unfamiliar flowers and a sign that said open. The window shows that the inside is quite dim, yet the whole atmosphere felt so welcoming to me.

I twisted the wooden door knob and made my way inside. Not much decorations inside just like the outside. Perhaps the owner is going for a minimalist style.
Random posters are plastered on the walls. Some of it are advertisement of famous cold drinks. Some are just plain quotes you can get online.

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