Chapter 4~

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I was sitting on my bed reading english lessons for the next day. "AJ come down mummy is here" Danica Didi screamed from downstairs. She is probably surprised to see mummy this early. I never wanted mummy to take up politics. She barely has time for us. Suddenly the door swung open "AJ come on what's with you?" Danica asked in concern. "Im coming give me a moment" I told in an uninterested voice. Even when all this is going on I keep thinking of her.... Nitara....I am worried for her. I kept my thoughts away and went downstairs.

I saw my mother serving dinner for us. Dad is not here I think he won't be here or the next few weeks. "Aww my AJ come beta eat" my mother called me in a sweet voice. That calmed me down a bit. I don't get to see her like this. While I was eating my mother asked " AJ beta how's 10th? How's things going at school?" in an interested tone. I kept on a cold face "It's fine...Everything is going okay" I said why focusing on my food. After she become the minister I 't don't know why I can't see her old loving side anymore. Soon mother started to ask Danica a lot of things. They kept talking through dinner and after that too. I felt left out but its normal. I started to think about Nitara again. Her hazel eyes, cute smile, laugh, how close we got in a day.... She made me feel happy today. The happiness I never felt in any other schools I've been to. She gives me the feeling of a friend. Someone who makes me happy. I ignored mummy and Danica and went up to my room. I wanted to ask for Nitara's contact number, but I couldn't. I don't have any friends or any socials to ask anyone. I'll look into it but now I have to sleep.

I slept good after a long time. I feel very fresh today and I am excited to go to school today. I can meet her today and we will talk a lot. Its a good thing that she sits behind me. I got ready fast and went down for breakfast. I saw mummy all busy on the phone. I grabbed a slice of bread and walked out. "Ahh best you are leaving? I will drop you" she said. "Its okay I'll walk to school." I said in a cold tone. "Are you sure beta?" she asked with concern. I nodded. She signaled me to go near her and I did. She planted a sweet kiss on my forehead. I melted in her kiss but I didn't know how to react and I ran away. I ran until I reached outside my gate. I noticed tears wetting my cheeks. There it falls as drops first then as a waterfall. I couldn't stop it. I gathered myself and continued to walk to school.

I reached the gate of the school when I saw the most beautiful view in my life. Nitara was laughing a lot with her friends. Her hair flying in the direction of the wind. Her aura. Thats when she noticed me and waved at me and started to run to me. I was stuck at that view. She came near me and gave me the cutest smile ever. "You are here? Come on lets go" she kept on that smile and took my hands and started to walk. I could see other students looking at us but she didn't care so I also didn't pay attention to it. I didn't understand why I feel so attached to her. She might be the one...My best friend for life. I don't want her to go away.

We were in middle of the 4th period when she tapped on my back, and I moved backwards." Do you know I hate when people don't talk to me" she whispered. I understood what she meant I haven't talked to her after the break. "Oh I'm so sorry, I was a bit busy with stuff." I apologized. Its after a long time I apologize to someone so sincerely. "Its fine for now if you do this once again, I shall hit you head in a way that it would crack into 2 equal pieces." she said in a threatening tone. It was so cute that I couldn't stop laughing. "Hey Aaron and Nitara what are you both laughing about stand up" the teacher shouted. We both stood up. The teacher looked at us from head to toe. "You both go out and keep your hands up for this period." she ordered us. We both went out and kept our hands up. After some time Nitara downed her hands. I looked at her in confusion. "Are you trying to get in more trouble?" I asked. She laughed " Hey just keep your hands up when you hear Ms. Rose's heels" she said while laughing. I also downed my hands but soon we heard a tapping sound of heels. I was going to put my hands up but at the same time Ms. Rose came "What is this keep your hands up Aaron." she told while glaring at me. I kept my hands up in a flash of light. After she left we both broke into laughter. "I told you to pay attention and you didn't" she told while holding back her laughter. I laughed it off.

Again 2 periods went by and our class teacher came in and read out the houses of the year. I was happy when ma'am called me into the same house as Nitara. As ma'am left Nitara called me "You are in my house!!!we can make a lot of fun from it!!!" she said excitedly. I smiled at her. I was happy too. Then our English ma'am came in and told us to sit according to our houses. I was so happy that we could do a project together. We sat opposite to each other. "You guys look like you guys in a date" Anishka said. As I got to know and saw for myself, she is the school pick me. I didn't care about her much. We continued to do our projects I took a few glances at her. Accidently she caught me. "Hey, stop drooling over me Mister" she said playfully. I smiled awkwardly. After discussions ma'am told everyone to turn back to her. Ma'am made Anishka sit behind me as she kept talking to another guy. I didn't pay much attention. Then she started to touch me. She tried to tickle me from both sides, and I didn't say anything because I felt like it is not necessary to waste my time with her. "Look Nitara he is ticklish" Anishka told in a teasing tone. "Yeah I see" I could feel the difference in Nitara's tone. I know she is annoyed. Anishka did it again. I didn't react to it.

The next period I tried talking to Nitara but she was giving me small replies. She became cold out of nowhere. I think this is because of that Anishka. I tried my bets to pickup a conversation with her. She was giving me a cold shoulder. She was not giving me attention. I was sad that she is not giving me attention.

I want to know what is bothering her so much.......I want to help her.........Is she doing this because SHE LIKES ME?




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