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When Eteocles became Center, he and his immediate family moved from Daer'Atesh to Zeneth. Zeneth, being a castle city where the ruling family lived. This city was where the core of dragon politics and culture was forged. As such more than one member of the Center's main constituents and aides also lived there. Including a couple noble families.

Manemnon would have been the next master of Zeneth as the W'eisi gyn was still holding on to the title of Center House. However Manemnon at 1100 years did not have an heir and neither did any of the Pylon Families. So with Manemnon's death - so went the Center House title. Fum'Oto was next in line. Or should have been. Eli Delius Daer'hakan abdicated just weeks before what is now called The Dark Winter Incident; the day they claim Semmy's father had the soon to be crowned Center Manemnon Elezander W'eisiholde killed. There was talk of an adopted Ameagon left. However, without a formal appointment as heir no agon could carry the Meridian crown.

Though of course they did not stay in the Center Palace, every corner of the city had large estates that could be castles themselves. There were many minor estates and wings attached to those as well for when major celebrations call for the gathering of nobility. Close to a thousand dragons could be housed here at any one time. The East Estate was home to the Promontor, whose main job was to oversee betrothals and celebrations held for nobility. When families disagree over dowry size or or invitations, they usually have the Promontor settle the dispute.

There was no mistake, however, everyone had high regard and respect for the Promontor, afterall, you could end up on the sour end of a wedding dispute or even married (or your child) far away from your home if you got on their bad side. That is exactly where Semiramishe found herself. Her "host" family was none other than Promontor Noalmon Mishal Daer'kiran, his lynk Vasumani Yvetta, and their three offspring.

Semmy shook her head, her locks falling in front of her face. She didn't want to think of that, not today. She had been hearing about the ball all week. It was supposed to be one the most extravagant First Flight Balls thrown this year. She looked down at her dress. She was still forced to wear Daer'Ishaan colors, and it wasn't like they treated her like a royal. Her current outfit was a plain dress with short cuff sleeves. No special designs, just a red ribbon sash tied around the waist. Maybe Suada had a dress prepared for her. She had asked her time and again about the ball and the agon had refused a coherent answer. For Semmy that had been somewhat of a relief.

"Semmy-Bell!!" she heard Suada calling. Quickly she ran to her door . She opened her door to see Vasumani Yvetta standing next to her.

"Hesh naga ra et?" She asked respectfully, quickly putting her head down. As the wife  or  lynk of a Promontor  her title was Por'omoto and was addressed as naga .

 "You should know, Sasibellona," The agon started sneering down at her. "That tonight's Tawaeya is very important - you are to show up well dressed and well behaved. If you so much as open your mouth about your treacherous family or your absent brother I will have you locked up here for the next month. You won't be able to step outside much less practice your hideous form." She stated bluntly and then walked away. Semmy simply nodded, keeping her head down. As soon as she was out of earshot Semmy looked up and crossed her arms.

"I knew it! Didn't I tell you - they are going to let me go!" She jumped up and down holding Suada's hands. But the agon did not smile or celebrate with her. Semmy noticed immediately and felt all her hope drain from her.

"Pantha- nothing is ever what they promise, I won't get my hopes up!". She turned back to the window. Suada simply came up behind her and began fussing with her locks, and muttering nonchalantly about different styles.

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