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"Tired?" Jack asks Elyssa as they step off the plane, back in Michigan.
"Mhm" Elyssa nods. By the time they finally landed it was around 2 am.
"Quinnys outside" Jack reads from his phone. Elyssa follows jacks lead to Quinn's car. Jack takes Elyssas bag from her hand and puts it in the trunk as she gets into the back seat. She laughs lightly at Taylor asleep in the passenger seat, assuming she insisted on going with Quinn to pick them up. Elyssa is quick to cuddle into jacks side when he gets in the car. She listens to Quinn and Jack talk for a few minutes before her eyes slowly close.

"Heyyy, the birds are back!" Trevor cheers as Jack follows Elyssa down the stairs the next morning.
"Hey zebra" Elyssa slumps onto a chair at the kitchen island.
"Mom told me that we have to be ready by 2." Quinn enters the room.
"For what?" Jack asks, confused.
"Rylies swim meet at the club. She wants us all there." Quinn reminds. Elyssa smiles, excited to see the Hughes brother's little cousin. She's about 12 years old and her and Elyssa get along great.

"I would beat you in race rowdy." Trevor says as the group watches the kids swim across the pool.
"You're delusional." Jack scoffs.
"Out of all of us, I'd win." Cole enters the conversation.
"No you wouldn't bro. You can't even swim." Trevor laughs.
"I'm a better swimmer than you!" Cole defends.
"Alright alright. To settle this, let's race when we get back to the house?" Jack suggests.
"Fine. But Elyssa can't judge." Trevor nods to her sitting next to Jack.
"Why not?" She's surprised.
"Because you'll cheat for Jack." He explains.
"In what world?" She exclaims with a laugh.
"Because you loveeee him." Cole teases.
"Yeah but that doesn't-"
"Oh my god!" Elyssa is interrupted by a high pitch squeal. "Jack? Cole? Trevor?" Elyssa looks up to see a beautiful blonde women standing about 10 feet away from where they sat.
"Heyyy! Amanda!" Trevor stands up to greet her. Cole and Jack follow his lead, each of them hugging her. Elyssa watches Jack, but more intently, Amanda.
"Do you guys still hangout with Alex?" She smiles flirtatiously.
"Yeah, he's over there." Jack gestures to where Alex stood with Quinn and Luke and the Hughes family.
"Turcs!" Trevor calls him over.
"Hey Amanda! How are you?" Alex is quick to pull her into a hug. Elyssa can't help but feel bothered by how happy they all were to see her.
"I'm good. How are you guys? Hockey all stars now huh?" She lightly nudges jacks arm. Elyssa bites her cheek as she stands to join the group.
"Jack, who's this?" Elyssa puts on her best smile as she places herself next to Jack. He wraps an arm around her hips, pulling her closer to him out of habit. His action makes Elyssa feel slightly more at ease. Amandas demeanor changes, visibly uncomfortable and almost jealous.
"This is our friend from high school, Amanda." Jack gestures to the blonde. "Amanda, this is my wife Elyssa." Elyssa holds her hand out to shake. Amanda gently takes Elyssas offer.
"Wife? Jack 'rowdy' Hughes is married?" Amanda chuckles persistently. "I remember when every girl in school wanted that."
"Every girl is a bit of a stretch. He was a little awkward in high school." Trevor teases, trying to make the conversation less awkward. Elyssa laughs at Trevor's comment. She feels a judgmental stare from Amanda.
"Oh don't be jealous Zeegs, rowdy has always been a little player." Amanda flaunts, using their nicknames.
"Yeah sure."  Cole laughs sarcastically.
"So Elyssa, what do you do for a living?" Amanda changes the subject.
"I'm a model." She says kind of hesitantly.
"Oh my gosh that's so cool! How many Instagram followers do you have?" Amanda assumes.
"I don't know." Elyssa shrugs, not knowing why it matters.
"Amanda, Elyssa isn't like an insta model. She like models for Gucci and stuff." Alex explains.
"Oh!" Amanda's voice gets higher.
"She walked in Paris fashion week." Trevor says, knowing Elyssa won't brag.
"Yeah. She was just on the cover of sports illustrated." Jacks smile beams.
"Wow! Good for you!" Elyssa can feel the fake smile and jealousy through the positive words from Amanda. "Ya know. I personally don't pay attention to that kinda stuff. I just feel like it really objectifies women. But that's just me." She smiles in a condescending tone.
"Thanks" Elyssa smiles. "Hey, I'm gonna go talk to Ellen." She says a bit quieter to Jack.
"Okay, I'll be over in a minute." He says in a hushed tone as well.
"It was nice meeting you Amanda." Elyssa smiles, about to step away from the circle.
"You too!" She flashes her artificial smile. Elyssa stands between Quinn and Ellen with a huff.
"I thought peaking in high school was just a joke. Then I met that girl." Elyssa tells them.
"Ah yes. Amanda. She's been throwing herself at Jack since they were like 15." Quinn laughs. Elyssas eyes grow wide with concern. "You can chill out. She's weird. He like, kinda hates her." Quinn informs elyssa with a chuckle.
"She was very standoffish. She thought I was an Instagram model." Elyssa tells Quinn.
"I can bet you she's lying. I know she follows Jack on Instagram. And by association, you. There's a good chance she knew who you were before you even introduced yourself." Quinn explains.
"Wow. That's kinda embarrassing for her." Elyssa laughs as she watches Jack leave the group conversation.
"Good god. She can fucking yap." Jack comes over to his wife, brother, and mom.
"Jackkkk, be nice." Ellen scolds, holding back a laugh, making the younger adults laugh as well.

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