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Third person:"

It's been now 2 weeks later where Kazuha was having a free day today hanging out with his best friend heizou, but before that he visited one of his old best friend who was killed by a vampire. Tomo. His death anniversity. It was placed near a Sakura tree where they first met when he was 13 year old.


He sat down at the front of Tomo's grave while looking at it with sad eyes.
Hey tomo it's been a while since I visited you. It has been busy for me because of work but I am free today so no work. I would like to give you a small present to let you remember me forever or idk. I placed his favourite sunflowers in a Vase and placed it next to his grave while having teard in my eyes, holding back strongly.
You know it's so hard for me to not move on i've been dreaming about the incident all night and cant get it out my head....

After some time kazuha went back home waiting for heizou to come over in 1 hour. Since he had nothing to do he went to the 5nemos group and wrote something out of boredom.


Hey guys.

Red head:"
Hi bro whats up. I'm coming wait for me in 30 min

Damn fiwldkeke why not invite me bro why not invite all kazoozooo. I can bring alcohol if you want some drinks and sleepover

Emo:" venti stop your shit and 住口

Xiao that's so mean. Anyways yeah venti is righttttttt pls invite us too

Kazoo:" uhm yeah you guys can go I wait for you. Be there in 13:00 then
See you later guys

Girly:" byeeeee

It's been an 2 hours now. They were having fun playing games, drinking alcohol, watching movies romantic or Horror movies and playing games

Kazuha:" hey guys I need to tell you something really strange that happened 2 weeks ago I think.
Venti:" oh really tell it to us now
Xiao:" agree
Kazuha:" well 2 weeks ago I was on a mission hunting vampires and suddenly saw a strange looking guy standing next to a dead body
Aether:" what did the guy look like. Sorry for interrupting I just wanted to know
Kazuha:" it's fine. Well the guy had a strange haircut, his hair was very purplish, his eyes were deep blue line the sky, rosy lips and looked so scary
Xiao:" really...did he look emo likd me or no
Aether:" xiao...not funny
Kazuha:" yes kinda..He wore black red clothes and had red eyeliner on his eyes.
Heizou:" its very strange to be honest. He stood next to a dead body. So creepy and strange
Kazuha:" yeah right and then he told me he was just passing by and saw the body. I cant help but have a slight suspicion about him. He even told me his name was scaramouche but I could call me scara.
Venti:" weird but ok....

Meanwhile by scara he got teased and annoyed by childe and dottore. He tood them the same what happened 2 weeks ago but they unfortunatly didnt help at at. He was only annoyed by those shitty dottowhore and child(e), while signore watched the three of them having such a done face not wanting to deal with them right now

Scara:" can you guys stop you guys are so fucking annoying your no help ughhh
Childe:" how about no but I have a question to ask. Will you do the fandango
Scara:" NO
signora:" chill guys I want peace pls dont shout to loud. The three of you BE QUIET
Dottore:" sorry mom ashes queen
Signora:" i'mma Beat your ass if you dont shut up in one seconds, dont fucking call me ashes Queen
Childe:" but you are, arent you not
Signora:" enough you two. Signora then chased after the two as they laughed while running around the mansion like some little Kids.

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