chaper 4 - plans

415 19 1

Addison and Taylor kept in contact after that night. Mostly their conversations consisted of cat pictures.

It has been four days since Addison sent the first text. She doesn't regret it at all and feels like the conversations with Taylor are easy. They have made her everyday life a little lighter. Even if it's just a picture of a grey Scottish fold it brings a smile to her face.

The English teacher is finally done with the creative writing assignments and is treating herself to a glass of wine, pretending that it's some sort of reward and not the exact same thing she had in her hand while reading the assignments. The TV is on in the background with some shitty hallmark movie that she isn't paying attention to. Her eyes are glued to her phone which just lit up with a notification.

Taylor😻: Hey, so this might seem weird. But would you like to go do something together sometime?

After a few minutes of consideration she decides that it can't be the worst thing in the world.

Addison: Sure, like what? And if it's illegal im out

Taylor😻: why would it be illegal?

Taylor😻: I was thinking we could go out for coffee. But you know with paparazzi and shit I would rather not :)

Taylor😻: How about you come over and we can have dinner?

Addison: Is this a deliberate plot to get me alone and murder me?

Taylor😻: you think I COULD murder someone?🤨

Addison: no, but with a mind like yours you could probably cover it up🤭

Addison: anygays that sounds like a plan

Addison: anyways*

Taylor😻: I guess

Taylor😻: Wednesday, my place, at 7. Is that ok?

Addison: 😊👍

Addison: just need the address

Taylor😻: Random address

Taylor😻: I'll see you then😉

Addison: Cya!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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