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I was blown away seeing her behave like that. It seems like she's intoxicated. As Mannat fell onto my lap, I couldn't help but feel a rush of heat spread through me. It was the closest we had been in the past few weeks of our marriage, and I found myself feeling unexpectedly flushed. Despite her drunken state, I couldn't help but chuckle at her cute responses.

However, I was also acutely aware of the situation and the fact that she was intoxicated. I tried to maintain a distance, actively avoiding touching her more than necessary. Yet, as I watched her, I couldn't deny the pang of tenderness that stirred within me. Taking off my blazer, I gently draped it over her, hoping to provide some comfort and warmth in her vulnerable state. I glanced at Mannat, her head resting on my thigh like a pillow, and felt a surge of desire coursing through me. It was becoming increasingly difficult to control myself as she snuggled closer to me.

"No, Avyan," I scolded myself silently. "This is just a marriage on paper. She's only your wife for show." But despite my attempts to rationalize, I couldn't ignore the electric sensation that shot through me as she pressed against me.

Unable to resist, I brushed my finger lightly against the side of her face, feeling the softness of her skin beneath my touch. I realized then that I knew nothing about her, and she knew nothing about me. I didn't want her to know anything about me, fearing that she might come to hate me.

"But why do you care if she hates you or not, Avyan?" I questioned myself. In that moment, I wanted to pull her even closer, to wrap my arms around her and lose myself in her embrace. I don't know what is happening to me. This clearly not me. She's just your wife for the show Avyan, I kept reminding myself. But even as these thoughts consumed me, I knew I had to control myself. This marriage was only a facade, a charade for the outside world. I couldn't afford to let my desires get the better of me, to blur the lines between reality and fiction.

And as Mannat lay sleeping on my lap, oblivious to the turmoil raging within me, I silently prayed for the strength to continue resisting the temptations that threatened to consume me.

We reached home and now the task in front of me was to carry her upstairs.
As I lifted Mannat up in my arms, her weight surprisingly light against me, I couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth coursing through me. She held onto my collar, her touch sending shivers down my spine.

Carrying her upstairs to our room, I couldn't shake the feeling of intimacy that enveloped us. Her closeness stirred something deep within me, a longing that I struggled to suppress. Watching her sleep, I felt a surge of protectiveness wash over me. She may have been nothing more than a stranger forced into marriage, but in that moment, she felt like so much more. Deep down I wished that it was a normal marriage and not just a cover up for my past.


I woke with a feeling of light headedness. The alcohol that I accidentally chugged down last night, had totally taken over me. But wait! How did I come back home? I remember getting into the car but I have no memories of what happened after that. One of the staff knocked at my door. I allowed her to enter in, she was holding a bowl of soup in her hand. "Ma'am, this is your soup" she said, as she kept the bowl on my side table.

"But I didn't ask you to make soup?" I said.

"Avyan Sir asked me to make this hangover soup for you" she said, as she left my room.

I got off my bed to look for Avyan, who was sitting in the balcony, sipping on his black coffee. I  took a seat next to him. He gave me a mischievous look and asked me to finish the soup first.

"wait...first you tell me, how did I come back?" I asked, looking for obvious answers.

"You came back with me." He said, as he took another sip of the coffee.

"And ... umm...did I do something embarassing?" I asked. "Yes." He said, with seriousness written all over his face. I am doomed. I probably said something weird and now I am a fool in front of him.

"Whatever I said, was completely under the influence of alcohol. I did not mean any of it." I said, though I didn't remember a word of what I said last night.

"You told me how madly in love with me you were yesterday" Avyan said, again sipping on his coffee.

"No I didn't. Tell me you're joking" I said, keeping the bowl on the tiny tiny table in front of us. He didn't pay any heed to my nervousness and kept on drinking his coffee and munching some crackers.

I took the coffee mug from his hand and stood in front of him. "Now tell me the truth." I said, trying to dominate the dominator in this relationship.He stood up, towering me. I forgot that my opponent is a 6'3 tall and extremely muscular man and not my younger brothers. He then gave me the brightest smile ever and patted my head and said "chill! I am joking."
I was caught completely off guard by his gesture. He went inside the room, leaving me stunned and sessile. Why is he treating me so nice?

we sat down for breakfast. Normally, he doesn't eat anything before lunch but today was different. He was in a brighter mood and he said he wanted to eat the halwa I made that day. I don't know what got into me, I rushed into the kitchen to make the halwa again. I served the Halwa in two plates for both of us to eat and sat down in front of Avyan.

"um...Can I ask you a question?" Avyan said. "mhmm.." I replied, while chewing the halwa.

"Why are you so nice to me?" He asked. His question was completely valid, given my behaviour despite him being ignorant most of the time.

"I just treat you like human being should treat another one. I didn't know it being nice" I said.

"Oh...and...aren't you a fashion designer?" He asked. I love how fast he switches the topic. "Yes...why do you ask?" I said, trying to continue the conversation.

"Then why don't you work? There isn't anything productive to do at home. Even Mom and Esha oversee the operations of one of our companies" he said, with a rather warmer expression than usual. I didn't expect him to think about my profession and to my biggest surprise, I am being treated like a normal human being here. It's okay if we never have a normal marriage because atleast I am not being treated like a commodity. I came out of my thoughts and answered his question.

"The company I worked at, is too far away from here that's why I quit two days before the wedding. I worked with some designers on a remote basis, but it's hard to co-ordinate that way." I said.

"We have a fashion company as well, we're looking for dssigners. If you want to, you can try working there for sometime. If you like, you can continue." Avyan said. I love the fact that he's looking out for me. I have a opportunity right in front of me but I'm not sure if I should take it or not. I don't want to be a freeloader, so I decided to send my resume to him.

"I have sent you my resume." I said. Avyan nodded and left for work. I was left alone again.

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