❝final notes❞

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before i even begin mentioning people, i would like to say thank you to each and everyone who gave this story a chance, if you started and left it or if you read till the end or  just left even a single comment. it truly means a lot and i wouldn't have been able to finish this story without your love and support and constant motivation even if its in the form of a single vote :D

recognition so far:

i didn't participate in contests just yet with this work cause i really wanted to finish this before jumping to awards, but now that i finished this, i sure will, hopefully the list increases :P

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i didn't participate in contests just yet with this work cause i really wanted to finish this before jumping to awards, but now that i finished this, i sure will, hopefully the list increases :P

now, onto my favorite part, shoutouts and appreciation for readers ❤️

GraveyardSiren - you're one person who always votes on my chapters of any story and occasional comments. sure, it may not look like you're doing a lot, but, trust me, it still motivates me to keep going, so, thank you so much! I haven't been able to catch up with your works, cue my busy schedules, but, I hope to do it soon <3

Voyageavecmoi - the one wholesome person who has the same first name as me. I first knew you through black and gold awards judging for your book, Remember Me and your current ONC novella seems to be the opposite on title yet unique with a title like Forget It I love your stories and your writing, I hope to catch up on your stories real soon <3

Ablazeisaleo - you, AL Blaze truly set everything and everyone around you in blaze, truly! I love your work, Dungeon and everything about it, hands down one of the best I have read on wattpad. Your praise of my work always makes me feel honored because, for a literary role model (which is you), you always challenge me, keep me on my toes and inspire me to do better and yet spoil me with loads of love and comments xD

CrownedMadness - Mads, Maddy, MAAADDD xD I don't even know where to begin appreciating you mate, you always are there, cheering me, even if its from the sidelines and always being an amazing person :D Your 7 Crows that I judged for black and gold awards and later read fully was mind blowing! The detectives inspiration was definitely from your work :D Your works - To Be, Rather Than To Seem and Words and Music though I haven't read them completely are amazing. Another of your work, Wonder written for Disney's 100th anniversary was one of a kind with its own style that made my childhood memories of those characters even more refreshing. Thank you so much for being an amazing friend, Mads <3

OnceUponALily - another of my role model writer for whom I can fangirl all the way. From the initial reads of Tethered Souls and then reading your shorter novellas like A Dash of Holiday Magic and Falling Into Forever have been great and you've been amazing for dedicating them to me, making my heart always leap out and skip a beat! You're a great friend and constant supporter, I am yet to catch up on your works love, forgive me in the meantime, okie? <3

avniy1312 - although we met recently through ONC contest, you have been a constant friend, companion and supporter through my works, and your work, Trapped In A Mystifying Fictional World is one of a kind, I can't wait to read further chapters! Thank you for being amazing <3

sparklet11 - you provided some valuable feedback and comments throughout the chapters of this work and not gonna lie, it's helped transform my story to the level it has been. thank you so much for your love and support <3

AnnSepino - your comments, votes and valuable feedback have also helped me greatly into the work, I hope to read your ONC work soon, wish the best for you, and thank you so much for your love and support <3

lyttlejoe - thanks to you too for constantly providing me with valuable feedback and comments, it truly has meant a lot, thank you so so so much! <3

other special mentions - Deathsloved , StephanieProchaska , iichicoii, SuspenseScream , AmorraReine , zuperztarz , alana_kate , fennanwinters , ricardosalarich , aaliyah_laurier , Fairytale_Fabler , Inktober_11 - thank you to all of you for giving bullet train to murder a chance 🩷

Total Word Count: 28,855

again, if i missed you out, please forgive me, know that your support equally means a lot, even if you just simply added my work to your reading list 💘

Sara <3

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