Chapter 3

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 Sir Pendleton took Clara by the hand and said "Now listen carefully child" as an eerie mist enveloped the scene, parting to reveal a mysterious figure. Clad in robes adorned with enigmatic symbols, the figure stepped forward, bearing an ancient scroll that seemed to pulse with hidden knowledge.

Introducing themselves as the Guardian of Unwritten Legends, the figure spoke of their solemn duty to protect the secrets of the Lost Library—a legendary repository of untold stories concealed within the depths of eternity.

However, beneath the surface of their introduction lay a clear tension. The Guardian's eyes narrowed with a hint of disapproval as they regarded Clara, an unspoken resentment simmering beneath their stoic facade. It was evident that Clara's presence in their sacred domain was not met with wholehearted approval.

With a measured tone, the Guardian extended an invitation to Clara, acknowledging her role as the Completist. However, this offer came with a condition—Clara must abide by the Guardian's ten ancient laws, decreed to safeguard the sanctity of the Lost Library and its vast repository of untold tales.

As the mist swirled around them, the Guardian of Unwritten Legends solemnly unfurled the ancient scroll, its surface adorned with intricate symbols pulsating with unseen power. With a voice like the whisper of ancient parchment, the Guardian began to recite the Ten Laws of the Lost Library:

Walk with reverence, for within these walls lie the echoes of forgotten tales, guarded by time itself.

Wield your quill with care, for the power of creation is both a blessing and a burden.

Do not alter the fabric of existing narratives, for the threads of fate are delicate and easily unravelled.

Respect the boundaries of the realm, for the borders between worlds are not to be trifled with.

Seek wisdom in the pages of the ancients, for the secrets of the past hold the key to the future.

Honor the spirits of the characters, for they are the heart and soul of every story.

Preserve the balance of light and darkness, for every tale must have its shadows.

Protect the sanctity of the library, for it is a beacon of hope in a world of chaos.

Guard the secrets of the untold, for some stories are not meant to be shared.

Remember your duty as the Completist, for with great power comes great responsibility.

As the final words echoed through the chamber, Clara felt the weight of the Guardian's gaze upon her, a silent reminder of the solemn oath she had sworn to uphold.

As the Guardian of Unwritten Legends vanished into the swirling mist, Clara and her companions stood in awe as the ethereal haze dissipated, revealing a wondrous sight before them. Spread out in a grand display was a banquet fit for kings, with an array of sumptuous food and drink that seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow.

But what truly caught their attention were the strange, diminutive figures that emerged from the shadows—small, dwarf-like beings with mischievous glints in their eyes. With gestures of invitation, they beckoned Clara and her friends to partake in the feast, their voices ringing out in a chorus of jovial laughter.

Despite the lingering tension of the Guardian's laws, Clara couldn't resist the allure of the banquet. With a tentative smile, she joined her companions at the table, captivated by the whimsical charm of their unexpected hosts.

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