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I took Yu Sheng around the school and to the field where the track and field day will take place. He claimed he was there to scout, but he looked like he was enjoying the female attention more. Despite wearing regular clothes, he stuck out like a sore thumb with how tall he was.

Even Reign couldn't size up to him, and he was still relatively tall.

"So, are you going to think about transferring? At least look at the website online and see what else the school has to offer," he asked once more.

"I'll have to talk to my dad about it, he is pretty much-controlling everything in my life until I graduate. He would want me to go to a good school, but I doubt he is willing to pay for it."

"That's just it, the school offers free admission covered by the board if you can prove your talent, and trust me Ma Ri, you have the talent for this place. You are far above most of the people I have seen in the art program."

I smiled a little at that, but that didn't mean it was going to convince my father to let me transfer to a school he didn't approve himself.

"Take a few days to think about it, you still have a whole semester left after this, it would still be good to get that on a college application," he said. "I have to get going, but we should catch up outside of school soon."

I gave him another big hug and sent him off at the gate. As I walked back up the driveway to the school, I spotted a familiar figure at the door. Reign was waiting for me with a disappointed look on his face.

"I tried looking for you," he said simply.

"I was visiting with a friend for lunch." I brushed past him, but he stopped me ripped the pamphlet out from behind me and started reading it.

"Is this what you met up with him for? You just got here and you're already trying to leave."

"Give it back, Reign. It's none of your business." I tried to grab it back, but he held me away. He continued to look over it and a shadow crossed his face before he gave it back to me.

"It's a great school," was all he said and walked away.

What the hell was that?


For some odd reason, I didn't see Reign for the rest of the day. He either skipped or just went home. I wanted to stop by the shop on my way home from school, but something told me I should keep my distance from him for now.

I tried working on my art when I got home, but the impending pamphlet on my desk haunted me everywhere I went in the room. I wanted to secure the best future for myself possible, and it seemed this school was the best one to go to.

But did I really want to leave the school where I had finally managed to make friends and start all over in a new school? Yeah, I would have Yu Sheng, but he had been here for years and who knew how popular he was there. Would I fit in with his new life?

It was too frustrating to think about and concentrate on my work. I threw my paintbrush down and went to wash my hands and change clothes. I needed something sweet to calm my nerves, so I grabbed my bag and snuck out of the house while my father and stepmother cleaned the kitchen.

I walked over to the convenience store and grabbed my usual ice cream and stuffed cakes before I took my regular seat at the front and dug in. My mind once again wandered to my conversation with both Yu Sheng and Reign. It made me feel like my heart was being pulled in two opposite directions.

Yu Sheng was my childhood best friend, I still remember the day I met him, with his super long hair. I thought he was a girl at first, it was hilarious when I eventually found out he was a boy. I was mortified.

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