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Here are some okay-ish drawings of the ghosts that I have seen and heard in the house I currently live in. I think there's three main entities. Each of them causes one of the three main types of hauntings, but I'm not really afraid of any of them. Please try to take this somewhat seriously and don't leave weird comments because they were real people (I'm pretty sure) and honestly I'm kind of emotionally attached to them in a way. 

And please do NOT try to give me art criticism even if it's constructive, I normally don't mind that sort of thing but I'm really, really not in the headspace for it right now. Ik my art isn't perfect, showing it off is not the point of this book. Thank you and enjoy!!!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I don't know what happened to the quality of this screenshot, but I call this one Percy. (No, his name has nothing to do with Percy Jackson, frankly I'm a little bit sick of seeing Percy Jackson stuff everywhere.) He's a very restful spirit and almost never causes disturbances. He usually just stands in front of walls or fences, almost watching over us. At least, that's been the case every time I've seen him, which isn't often. He has to be around seven feet tall because he's taller than our fence, and our fence is at least six feet tall. I promise the hands look more normal than they do here, the quality really messes it up. Anyway, I wish I could provide more information, but I can't find any history on my house.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I call this one Lilac. She's about thirteen or fourteen. I heard her call out ''wait!'' to me one night and I just ran into my room, and the next day my brothers said they heard a girl calling for help. She's one of those frightened kinds of ghosts who, if she causes any disturbances, she's probably just trying to get our attention. I know I drew her standing, but the one time I actually saw her, she was levitating. She also wasn't wearing shoes, but some people are creepy about feet and in case one of them somehow finds my account, I drew shoes on her. I think her dress and hair were a bit more ragged than this, but it was difficult to get a good look because she only appeared for a second, which is why I didn't draw her a face, because I couldn't really see it. Although she's not scary, I am a bit worried about the fact that her skin was gray, as I've drawn. Hopefully whatever is making her spirit restless will get resolved. 

(This last one might actually creep you out a little bit)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I don't know very much about this last one. I named him Jacob because the Bible says that the name means ''trickster''. He takes on different shadow forms. The big one I drew is around the height of the tall man, and I'm still not sure if it was him or Jacob, but I put it on Jacob's page because I wouldn't have much to draw for him otherwise.

 The shadowy blob peeking out from around a corner is what I saw in my backyard peeking around my shed to look at me while I was trying to film an opossum living near my house. That one is about the height of a 7 or 8 year old child. I did not depict it here, but I almost walked right into a shadow figure close to my own height in my kitchen because I was tired. I don't only see these things when I'm tired, however. The large circle with the question mark represents another form I believe he takes.

 Over a year ago, I was writing in a fanfic one night when I heard the sounds of a creepy old woman following my beloved cat right up to my bedroom window, meowing at him and talking to him, though I couldn't hear what she said. The sound was low and I heard the sounds of crawling through grass, so I can only assume she followed him on all fours. I could hear my cat getting agitated in a way I've hardly ever seen him do, even when defending what he perceives to be his territory from other felines. I looked out my bedroom window, but I couldn't see her, which is why I couldn't draw her. 

Several months later, I heard a huge animal, like a giant bulldog or wild boar walk right up to my bedroom window (which was open and only had a screen protecting it) and make grunting and snuffling sounds. I ran to the other side of the room, and then I heard the same woman. Her voice is what you might expect a witch to sound like, except soft rather than raspy. She was calling the animal to come back to her, but I couldn't tell what else was said. Eventually the sounds stopped, and by the time I felt okay enough to check out the window, nothing was there. She hasn't come back since, thankfully, but I think the old lady may be another one of Jacob's forms, and the smaller circle with a question mark represents the mystery animal. 

Of course, the different shadows and this witchy woman could all be different entities, but I really think they might all be the same because they all have one thing in common. They don't cause any real harm or damage, but they cause more mischief, knocks, footsteps, possibly messing with mirrors, and startling me with those shadowy forms. I have a secret theory that Jacob is a child ghost and that's why he causes so much trouble, but if that's the case, he's the most powerful child ghost I've ever heard of to be able to take other forms and manipulate them as he pleases. 

There's also a group of little transparent white ghosts that dance around the garden of my neighbor across the street, but I didn't draw these fairy(?) spirits because this is about my house ghosts. 

Anyways while I was writing this, I almost fell asleep, but then I heard and felt a loud smack sound right next to my ear, like somebody loudly kissed somebody else or hit two small pieces of plastic against each other. I suppose these ghosts want their stories told, even if I don't have all of the information. (It COULD have been my air conditioner but I somehow doubt it)

Allow me to reiterate one last time before we end off, some of these spirits have startled me in the past, but I am not afraid of any of them. I feel a connection to them, and they don't possess my dolls, scratch anyone at night, or any of those things harmful ghosts are said to do, so it's okay. Hope you all enjoyed, goodnight! (Ignore any typos, I'm sleepy rn)

Meet my house ghostsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن