The Prodigal Father

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Today is my birthday, May 1st. I'm 16 now. Wish me well.

(At the Monestary of Spinjitzu, Wu is in the hangar bay, browsing through security cameras in through Ninjago City.)

Wu: Nothing. Nothing! Still nothing. Even more nothing! Argh! (Wu picks up a walkie-talkie.) P.I.X.A.L., I've checked almost every security camera in Ninjago City. No sign of where the Mechanic may have taken Zane! P.I.X.A.L.? P.I.X.A.L.?

(The security alarm goes off, indicating a security breach. Wu checks the camera in the elevator, and is surprised to see "Zane".)

Wu: Zane! (He runs toward the elevator, but "Zane" turns out to be a cardboard cutout.)

Henchman #1: Ha! Fooled you, old man!

Wu: I might be old, but you're the fool, trying to break in here! (He defeats the two henchmen easily.) Fail.

(Three more henchman appear above him.)

Henchman #2: (laughs) Not too shabby for an old guy.

Wu: You made a grave mistake breaking in here. One you will regret!

Henchman: Good thing Unagami told us to bring these! (He and the other henchmen put on masks, and he drops a smoke bomb that renders Wu unconscious.)

(At The Mechanic's headquarters, P.I.X.A.L., Izzy, and Milton Dyer stand before an arcade machine.)

Game Voice: Would you like to enter Prime Empire?

Dyer: But this is impossible. We never completed these, the game was never finished!

P.I.X.A.L.: It was finished by Unagami, whoever that is.

Dyer: That's ... that's not possible.

P.I.X.A.L.: Why not?

Dyer: Because Unagami's not a real person. Unagami was the game, Unfinished Adventure Game 1. It was the working title before we came up with Prime Empire, but the name stuck. It was just a harmless program.

Izzy: Well, this "harmless" program wants revenge, and is taking it out on Ninjago City. 

P.I.X.A.L.: It is employing the services of the Mechanic, who kidnapped Zane.

Dyer: But that's impossible. Unagami isn't alive, it isn't real.

Izzy: How do you explain her then? 

P.I.X.A.L.: It is no less real than I am, and it is very angry.

Dyer: But you are a robot. What you experience as emotion is merely a simulation of emotion. It's just code, ones and zeroes.

P.I.X.A.L.: (Scoffs.) As are yours! They are electrical impulses in your brain. I assure you, Unagami's emotions are just as real to him. And if we do not find a way to stop him, he will cause tremendous harm.

Dyer: I - I don't know how to stop it.

(In a warehouse, Zane is blindfolded and chained up in a chair.)

The Mechanic: Zane. The Titanium Ninja himself. Take that off. (Zane's blindfold is removed.) And before you tell me that your samurai friend will come rescue you, you should know that I'm jamming your internal GPS tracker. I don't want anyone crashing the party yet.

Zane: What do you want, Mechanic?

The Mechanic: Glad you asked! Let me show you. (He moves out of the way to reveal a giant portal.) I call it the Manifestation Gate. Once completed, it will allow my master, Unagami, to enter the real world.

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