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Finally I have reached the hostel for girls in Pondicherry University, the place I have been dreaming to reach, for 3 years. No, it's not exactly the hostel, but the Pondicherry University, the place I have been hearing from my classmates and seniors since I passed my 12th. The place or in my words, the heaven, where I can enjoy the few remaining years of my academic life without much pressure be it academic or non-academic, because it's away from my hometown, really really away, not just hometown even district and state. Yes, you guessed it right. I'm not a native, I'm from the God's own country aka Kerala, the state which is situated in the bottom of the Indian map, but not at the bottom in fame compared to other states. Kerala is famous for a lot of things, I know, but right now I can't tell all those coz my dear bestie Keethu aka Geetha is waiting for me to help her with the room cleaning instead of recording myself on phone. Don't think that I don't know about my state, I do, but not up to the level of a person who is preparing for PSC and other competitive exams. In short, I'm not a GK person. I only learn or look into things which attracts me, but there is an exception and that is when I'm compelled to learn it during the academic life of mine. And because of that, I have learned to make PPTs, to deliver speeches, got some basic information about physical education, games, computer and technology, etc. Now you have learned about few of the things I hate, and my dear phone, the list goes on, just like my boring life. TBH it's not that boring, it's just...didn't go like what I wanted it to go. But I'm happy coz I'm not the only person who is sad thinking about it.

"You're really unbelievable, Sharu!!"

Here she comes, my bestie since 3 years, the only good thing happened in my 3 years' boring college life.

Geetha laughs hearing me, while sitting beside me, but that's the truth.

And dear phone, you know one thing?? We, that is me, your owner and her, my stupid friend, have been batchmates in school for total 7 years before and after my JNV days. During those days, we only crossed path with each other for few times even if our classes were beside each other, and shared a short smile to be not seen as a rude person. Then came the summer vacation after 12th or we can say the lockdown period during which we exchanged our phone numbers through a common friend of ours as we both joined the same college and course, it was just for some emergency or more like, for a formality, to have a phone number of a person to reach out when in need in a place you aren't acquainted at all. And one day during the lockdown period, when I was going through the WhatsApp statuses I found her being a BTS ARMY like me, she became an ARMY during 12th while I, after the final exams of 12th, we soon started chatting and talking for hours, starting the call with something related to those Korean guys and ending with us, the two crackheads who became BFFs during the unforgettable period for India and all around the world, well it was unforgettable for us as well coz everyday started and ended with a Good morning and Good night message for us and filling each others ears with some other details of our life in between that. It felt like I found my best friend for life, other than myself. Then came the next shock, we met at the same bus stop to go to college after the reopening of college because of COVID pandemic, which means we were hometown mates as well. I laughed a lot that day, not just because I got to know that piece of information that day, but also because she knew almost all those things and about me, before me. That's why I'm telling you, my dear phone, your owner is sometimes the dumbest person you will ever meet.

"Almost all the time" Geetha said and grinned looking at my phone camera.

"I can hear you Keethu, I'm sitting just beside you, recording all these" I said and rolled my eyes at her.

"I know" She said and went to continue the cleaning.

She sometimes pisses me off, correction, almost all the time, well that's her favourite thing to do other than painting and reading some books, which aren't of my taste at all.

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