Chapter one - Rebecca

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'I can't believe I landed myself here.' Finney thought to himself as he opened the detention door. Room 126. The air conditioner was broken, and the door was rusted. The entire room smelt like sweaty kids and dirty socks. He was met with a blonde teacher. At least he thinks she's a teacher, a very high one.

"Name?" The blonde lady spoke up after Finney has surveyed the room. "Oh- uh, Finney Blake." He responded in a hushed tone. Why he was quiet, he had no idea. The entire room had kids shouting and throwing trash everywhere.

The blonde lady, whom Finney had decided to call Rebecca, smacks on her gum and checks him off on the attendance sheet. "You sit at the table in the back next to the boy with the bandana." Rebecca's words became slurred, and Finney decided to just nod and scurry away.

Finney walked to his desk, and his hold on his bag tightened. He had figured he was sitting next to Robin as soon as the woman mentioned a bandana, but he tried to keep his hopes up, which just led to more disappointment. Nevertheless, Finney slid into his seat and dropped his bag at his feet.

Finney immediately felt bored. He bounced his leg and tapped his finger against the desk. He drew imaginary stars and planets and solar systems on the desk, but nothing soothed his mind that filled with boredom as each second ticked by.

Eventually, a gruff but sweet voice spoke up from next to him. "Bored, huh?" Finney shot up from his slouched position at the interruption. "Woah, jumpy as a grasshopper, ain't you?" Finney looked to his right and was met with Robin Arellano staring at him. "Oh...uhm." He fumbled with his words, which was odd. He never did that.

"Don't worry, I don't bite." Robin leaned back on his chair with his feet on the table. "What are ya in for?" Robin prodded at Finney, and Finney shifted in his chair, suddenly uncomfortable from the hard metal against his back. "Uh, I got to school ten minutes late, so Mr. Williams gave me detention."

Robin scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Mr. Williams is such an arrogant, grumpy hunchback. I hate him." Finney chuckled under his breath. "Yeah...he is kinda stuck up." Robin huffed a breath. "Kinda? Try very. Can't go a day without him yacking on about his hard earned yacht with a private server and driver."

The comment made Finney laugh, a hearty laugh. Yet it fell deaf on the shouting of kids and spit balls thrown everywhere. "Yeah, fair point..." Finney rested against the chair and looked at the ceiling, suddenly very annoyed with the snotty boys and barbie girls that were currently applying twenty-two layers of every product of makeup possible.

"D'you wanna get outta here?" Robin spoke up after many seconds of silence. "Really?" Finney looked at Robin skeptically, only for Robin to simply nod. Finney gave a look to elaborate, and Robin quickly obliged. "Ms. High As The Sky over there is passed out." Robin nudged his head in her direction.

Finney looked to see blonde hair sprawled on the desk and Rebecca snoozing up a storm. Robin was right. She was out like a light. "Okay..." Finney mumbled and grabbed his backpack, throwing it over one shoulder.

"Let's roll." Robin stood up with his bag and made no time in scurring out Room 126. Finney chuckled and followed quickly on his toes. "Where to?" Finney inquired, and Robin smiled. "The Grab N Go."

That's how Finney ended up standing in front of the Grab N Go right next to Robin Arellano, the second toughest kid in school. Robin pushed open the door, and the bell chimed right above them. "Welcome to the Grab N Go." The underpaid man lazily spewed the words, but Robin didn't pay him any mind. Finney gave him a polite nod only to be dragged away by Robin straight to the candy aisle.

"Each piece is fifty cents. How much cash you got? I got four bucks." Robin murmured the words as he bent down to inspect the variety of flavors. Finney scrambled to look in his wallet and was met with a whopping two bucks. "Two." Robin nodded and stood. "We'll split."

Robin took a dollar and gave it to Finney. "Now let's raid this candy aisle." Robin's eyes had a hint of mischief, and Finney couldn't help but feel his heart trip, only for a split second, though. He should get that checked out.

Ten minutes later, the two boys had their hands and pockets filled with candy and sodas. The cashier looked agitated as they placed the items on the counter, but nonetheless, he scanned them.

They walked out with plastic bags in their hands. "Where do we go now?" Finney asked quietly, and Robin shrugged. "Where do you wanna go, chico?" Finney stayed silent as he reeled possible places until he decided on one. "Let's go to the baseball field." Robin didn't second guess Finney. He just simply nodded and started following Finney's lead.

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