Drink Blood

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Not the type the blood you'd think. Not the type of blood I thought either. It's sweet if I'm honest.  I don't understand why though.

Deers are animals.

I've tried a substitute.
But nothing works.

Plus if I drink different kind of blood I quit literally go insane and Feral.
And I'm not doing that again.

Literally I drank a Zombies blood and that... Let's just say it didn't end well.. for her.

Does any of this make sense to you? No? Good because who cares. Nothing make sense and no one does anything to make it make sense now do we?

My name is Madgan Tasmanian by they way. Yeah i know like Tasmanian Devil. I didn't get to choose my last name here. But it's a nice last name isn't it?

Anyways where were we. Ah fuck it don't care

I need to go home. The sun is burning me alive.

Yeah I also burn in the sun

I just realized something.... Where do I live?

Ah yeah I live by myself in a cave. I wish Dorothy was home

Dorothy is amazing but shes a Doe. Not a normal one but sometimes I can't control myself around her. I do try but she's starting to turn it into some like Kink habit.

I'm actually starting to make it that as well

But I'm scared that she could get hurt. I could make her sick. What if she...

No no I better stop.

Is it my fault I think these thoughts?

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