Welcome to Vibe City/It's All Love

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Narrator's POV

It was morning as Poppy was steering the wheel with Ruby sitting at the bottom floor in the back at the edge of the raft as she stared at the water lost in deep thought. Trollex was watching Coral Blush play with Blaze as he had a small yet soft smile while he and Branch were sitting in front of the raft and Hickory was playing his guitar as he started singing along with some cattails.

Hickory (cattails):🎶I fall to pieces🎶

Branch looks up and stares at Poppy, who was still sadden at Biggie's departure as she was the raft.


🎶How can I be🎶

🎶Just your friend?🎶

Branch groaned as he laid down on his back while Trollex looked back and stared at Ruby, who was still staring at the water still.

(🎶Just your friend🎶)

"Somethin' tells me your heart ain't in this mission guys" Hickory said to them. "What do you mean?" Branch asked as Hickory helped him up. "We're here, aren't we?" Trollex added. "Yeah, you're on a mission, all right, but Branch, your heart is with Miss Poppy and Trollex, your heart is with Miss Ruby" Hickory told them. "Hey, hold your horses" Branch said before realizing what he said as Trollex facepalmed at this. "I'm sorry, is that offensive?" Branch apologized/asked and this made Hickory chuckle as he placed his guitar down and sat between Branch and Trollex as he said "Not as offensive as you thinking I can't see what's right in front of my eyes. Did you guys tell 'em yet?".

"I tried, but..." Branch admitted before descending a whistle and imitates an explosion. "So in other words, he failed miserably" Trollex said as he noticed Branch glaring at him. "What? I was just saying the truth" Trollex said before looking at Hickory and said "As for me... I want to be... I don't know if she feels the same way" and then looks away and then Hickory says to him "Well Trollex, I have no doubt that Ruby likes you too. I've seen the way she looked at you. You just need to wait for the perfect moment to have again and then you can tell her" and this made Trollex look at him as he lit up before nodding his head. Hickory then turned to Branch and said "Well, if you did tell her, who knows if she'd even hear you?" and Branch asked him "What do you mean by that?" and Hickory answered "Well, let's just say only one of you is doing the listening in this relationship, and it's not her".

It was quiet for a moment before Hickory added "It's you" and Branch reply sarcastically "Yeah. I got that. Thanks" and this made Trollex snicker at him, making Branch glare at him. "Uh, guys?" Poppy said as she noticed something in the sky.

Meanwhile with Ruby

Ruby was still staring at the water lost in her thoughts as she couldn't stop thinking about what Beatdrop said last night, 'You don't think... It's because you're somehow connected to the strings...' and this had Ruby think all night as she kept staring into at water. "Ruby, are you okay?" Beatdrop asked in concern and this made Ruby look at him and gave a small smile as she said to him "Don't worry Beatdrop. I'm alright" but after she said that, Ruby's eyes slightly widened before clutching her chest with a groan.

"Ruby!" Beatdrop exclaimed in worry as he went to her in worry. Ruby was taking deep breaths as the pain in her chest began to disappear and then she looks at Beatdrop, who was looking at her in complete worry before she quickly said "I-I swear, I'm okay! I promise..." but Beatdrop looked unconvinced and he was about to say something when they heard Poppy say "Uh, guys?" and this caught Beatdrop and Ruby's attention as they look at each other before quickly rushing over just in time to see a giant UFO.

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