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The bitter night air lashed mercilessly at Eolami's face as she stumbled blindly through the freshly fallen snow, her bare feet leaving a scarlet trail with each agonizing step. Each ragged breath tore through her chest like shards of glass, the ache from her latest beating eclipsed only by the gaping emptiness devouring her from within.

What was there left to live for? At barely eight years old, she had already tasted the depths of human cruelty. Stolen from her family, her identity erased and replaced with shackles - it was a fate she could no longer endure. Had it been five days since she had frantically escaped the Choi household? She wasn't sure anymore. But she was so very tired. 

Her dark skin seemed to melt into the bark of the trees around her, yet a beautifully decorated contrast against the pristine snow blanketing the wilderness. Eolami's battered feet finally gave way, sending her crashing to the frozen ground. She curled in on herself, welcoming the glacial embrace as tears streamed down her bloodied face. Perhaps the snow would simply swallow her whole, burying forever the anguished princess in a world that no longer recognized her existence.

"If you are going to take your own life, why don't you try tomorrow instead? I happened to make amazing stew for dinner tonight." 

The gentle voice pierced through Eolami's grief like a warm call glowing in the frigid darkness. Bleary eyes focused on the woman standing over her, satin robe billowing elegantly in the wind. Despite her noble Goryeo appearance, her kind eyes held no judgment as painted ruby lips curved into a sad smile. She knelt beside the trembling child, heedless of the fresh blood staining the pristine snow.

"There now, little one," the woman murmured softly, gathering Eolami into her embrace with tender care. She gently brushed the matted coils from the girl's face. "Do not surrender your fight just yet. This is not where your song ends, but where the phoenix learns her first notes of glorious rebirth."

At those words, Eolami stared intently at the woman, wanting to laugh at how strange, how poetic and absurd it was to say such a thing. Still, her youthful mind continued studying the noblewoman's face as if searching for any hint of deception. Her brown eyes slowly roamed over the woman's delicate features - the gentle curve of her painted lips, the kindness in her gaze.

The young girl tilted her head slightly to the side, feeling the slight twitch of her little fingers peeking out from the tattered sleeve of her hanbok. For a tremulous moment, she seemed poised on the precipice of a decision.

Then, with a soft exhale, Eolami slowly fell back into the cold embrace of the snow, returning her gaze to the twinkling canopy of stars above. She remained silent, allowing the biting chill to numb the flares of pain from her latest wounds as her chest rose and fell in a slow, steady rhythm.

"That sounds nice and all," the young girl sighed at last, her accented words hovering like wisps in the frozen air. "But if I wanted to die tomorrow? Will you let me then?"

The older woman's smile wavered briefly at the despairing words. With a rustle of silk, she lowered herself gracefully into the freshly fallen snow beside Eolami, joining the girl in contemplation of the vast, glittering night sky arcing overhead.

For a few heartbeats, an expectant hush blanketed the pair, broken only by the faint whisper of the wind. Then, the woman slowly inclined her head toward Eolami, dark eyes glistening with a profound sadness.

"We can talk about it then," she replied. Her delicate fingers had begun to reach out, gently encircling the girl's small hand in a tender grasp. "For now, come inside where it's warm. Let me fuss over you with some hot food. Sound good?"

Eolami remained utterly motionless, her body unmoving save for the quiet rise and fall of her chest. Her eyes never wavered from the twinkling dance of stars, even as the woman's palm radiated warmth into her icy fingers. 

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