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Amelia - 7 years ago

Staring at the ceiling mindlessly was just what Amelia needed after a day like this, although it inevitably made her more scared of the future than ever. Who was she going to be? No, who did she want to be? What was her goal?

The truthful answer was, she didn't really know anything. All she did know was that she was jetting off to Toronto in September to get her bachelor's, and that simply felt unreal. Away from her family, her friends, this house... she couldn't fathom it yet, but now that she had officially graduated, it was as fast approaching as ever.

Okay, she was spiraling. She turned over in bed to get her phone to text Connor for peace of mind, but then she heard a thud against her window.

Startled by the noise, Amelia quickly sat up and glanced toward the window. Moonlight filtered through the blinds, casting eerie shadows across her room. Another soft thud followed, and she slowly approached the window. Drawing back the curtain, she saw a hand gripping the windowsill.

Okay, what the fuck? Was she about to get murdered? Cautiously, she peeked over it to see a head of messy brown hair, and almost simultaneously, Connor pulled himself up, his biceps flexing slightly as he tried to keep himself from falling.

"Connor? What are you doing here?" Amelia whispered, her heart racing as she unlocked the window and slid it open.

He grinned sheepishly through his struggle, his breath coming out in short puffs from the effort of climbing. "Surprise," he said, his voice barely audible over the night breeze. "Can I come in?"

Amelia stepped back, allowing him to swing his legs over the windowsill and clumsily land on the carpeted floor of her room. "You could've just used the front door, you know," she said, trying to hide the warmth spreading through her chest at the sight of him.

Connor stood up straight, kicking off his shoes and placing them neatly beside the window before turning to face her again. He was wearing a navy blue t-shirt and gray sweatshorts, and the height difference between them was now very much noticeable. He wasn't the tallest guy on earth, but Amelia would consider herself 'short,' and so would he.

"It's past midnight," he offered as reason, and when she raised a brow at him he continued, "And... wouldn't your parents get weird about me being in your room with you alone? Especially this late."

Amelia swallowed as she felt a blush creep up her neck at his words. He wasn't wrong, ever since they were about 15, her parents had had an 'open door' policy when he came over. They always protested, because they always made sure her parents knew they were just friends, but it was firm.

"True," she conceded, trying to sound nonchalant. "But you scaling my window like Spider-Man isn't exactly inconspicuous."

Connor chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners with amusement. "Hey, I had to make it exciting, right?"

Amelia couldn't help but smile back at him. It had been a rough night, feeling overlooked and forgotten at her own graduation party paired with doubts about the future, but having Connor show up like this... it was unexpectedly comforting, like a scene out of a rom-com. "So, why are you here again?" she remarked, sitting down at the foot of her bed.

Connor's smile faded as he ran a hand through his tousled hair. "I couldn't sleep, I wanted to see you..." He trailed off, fumbling with his fingers nervously, "I... I'm scared, Mia."

"Scared? What do you mean?" Amelia asked, her voice softening as she looked up at him. Connor rarely opened up like this, so she knew whatever he was about to say must be weighing heavily on him.

Timeless - Connor DewarWhere stories live. Discover now