Chapter 22

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Huge thanks to Daniel, Carlos, Kyleah for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!
[3rd Pov] [Location - Happy Harbor]

Roughly an hour after the mission briefing, the team was at Happy Harbor High School. Gwen was on the roof of the school, a bored look on her face under the mask.

She already knew how this mission was going to go, but wasn't going to stop it's direction. Her true goal was to yoink the Fog. A powerful and useful piece of technology that could be of some genuine use to her, especially in future worlds.

The sort of technology could be a genuine godsend in future worlds, being able to take the knowledge from other computer systems, servers, etc is useful as hell.

'Hmm, they've probably set up the link by now' Gwen thought with a hum, knowing that M'gann cannot get into her mind, no matter how hard she tries.

"I set up a link with the rest" M'gann said as she floated to Gwen's side, knowing that Gwen's mind was immune to her mind reading, communication, and all the other neat little telepathy she can do.

"I thought, when are we gonna have that next date?" Gwen said with a grin, turning to M'gann who blushed brightly at the question.

"Uh-uhm" M'gann sputtered, trying to answer, while also trying to ignore the teasing voices in her head, from Dick, as everyone who was connected to her in her mind, knew what M'gann was talking of.

"Hmm, how about we talk about this after? Give you some time to think on it" Gwen said with a soft smile, noticing M'gann was getting incredibly flustered right now.

"O-okay" M'gann said before floating off in a hurry.

'God she is adorable' Gwen thought with a smirk, before returning to her lookout.

Gwen simply stood on the roof, waiting, before blinking when Dick came up behind her. "Cmon, we found the fog, you, Superboy, and I are gonna pursue"

Gwen grinned under her mask, and nodded. "Alright, let's get going then" Gwen said, making the plan to take the fog in her head.

Gwen followed after Dick, hopping off the roof to follow the other two into the bio-ship.

"Who do you think the next target is going to be?" Dick asked, as the three sat in each of their chairs.

"Star Labs. It's one of the best in the Country, and has all sorts of useful knowledge in it's database" Gwen replied with a shrug, knowing that it was the prime target for any normal person.

Gwen still couldn't understand why the Shadows weren't more quiet with their data stealing. Instead of taking it quietly and quickly, they destroyed entire buildings for no point, other than to destroy.

Gwen already planned on yoinking some useful data, but only from evil/not so nice organizations. She wasn't dumb enough to go after groups protected by the Justice League. Which basically meant that Cadmus, Lexcorp, and a few others, were the primary targets she was planning on going after.

[A while later]

The trio had just made it to Philadelphia, there target for where the Fog was tracked to.

"Robin to Aqualad. We're over Philadelphia. We've located the Shadows next target. Star Labs. But...It's too late, it's been destroyed. The fog decimated it completely" Dick said with a look of genuine surprise on his face, looking over the destroyed Star Labs.

"This is bad...Star Labs is cutting edge science, and now their secrets are in the hands of the enemy. What's our next move?" Dick asked to Aqualad through their long range comms.

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