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Marianna opens her eyes... familiar room, familiar day... and yet she can't help but cry. "Let's try again, one more time." She props herself up with her hands, feeling a wave of weakness wash over her. "But can I really do it? What if I fail again..." The scene of the town ruined in an instant seems like it happened just moments ago. Marianna curls up.

Knock, knock! "Mari, it's almost 7:30, hurry up and come to breakfast." Called by her mother, Marianna comes to the dining room.

Marianna picks at her breakfast, even the green peppers don't seem so bad now, much as she used to hate them. "Strange, these peppers don't taste bitter at all."

"What are you muttering about? What's left you so out of it this early in the morning? Not feeling well?"

"Ah... no, it's nothing." The crisp taste of the peppers fills her mouth with notes of mild milky flavor. 'Did mom actually remember the things I don't like to eat?'

Nori glances at her watch; it's almost 8 o'clock. "Finish eating and go to class, don't be late."

"Sure thing."

"Take care on the way."

After waving goodbye, Marianna stands resolute downstairs, watching her mother's busy figure through the window.

Endless SummerWhere stories live. Discover now