part-77(prince in yuvika's clg)

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Kk: oye she is ur bhabhi ... n my baccha is very innocent...

Prince: innocent no no no she is Don she gave me warning that u should eat or else she will not leave u n me both. .n u have n take this file I have to go to yuvi's clg..

Kk: oh OK then..

Prince tuned to go..

Kk: prince please be careful n take care of yuvi n inform me everything n take bodyguards with u...

Prince : ok bhai anything else..

Kk: no go now..

Prince left n kk saw towards tiffin n opened it m.

Kk: wowwww pohaaa...

Kk started to eat n as he finished he got again busy in work...

N near prince n yuvika...

Yuvi was already in clg ...

Prince went to clg n called yuvi ..

Prince:  yuvi where are u...

Yuvi  : I m standing outside principal office he has called me in morning but from morning he has made me stand outside  ..

Prince: ok wait there only I m coming...

Prince went towards the principal office..(kd is the owner this clg too)

Yuvi: princee...

Prince:I m here now let's see what n how they will do something to u...

Yuvi: I m sorry I m troubling a lot..

Prince:  oye keep quiet n listen first I will go inside then u come.. n listen act like Stangers...

Prince went inside without any knock ...

Principal: what the....oh sir...  how are u...

Prince Came n sat on a chair  .

Prince:  m I good..

Principal: sir y did u trouble urself u should have called me I would have been there

Prince:  is there any problem if I come..

Principal:  no no no sir..

Prince:  who is that girl  standing outside..

Principal:  oh she is a student... u know right that now a days student do few things  ... I will deal with her later..

Prince:  y later call her in I m here let me also know how u deal with things

Principal: but sir

Prince: I told call her...
.Principal didn't have any other options he called yuvi inside ..

Yuvi: good morning sir ..

Principal:  good morning...

Prince:  so hm may I know ur name.....

Yuvi: sir yuvika...

Prince: oh OK so say what's wrong...

Yuvi: sir that..

Principal:sir I will say...

Prince:  yuvi u continue..

Principal : but sir...

Prince didn't say anything but saw towards him which shut his mouth....

Yuvi:  sir I had got internship because of I m the topper n I don't know..... yuvi told everything again......

Prince:  oh I see..  so sir will u like to explain..

Principal: sir don't listen to her... she got top because she cheated in exam n as I got to know so I took action..

Prince was just controlling..

Principal:  n u girl get out...

Prince:  yuvi came here...

Prince hold her n made her sit on chair  ..n he got up ...

Prince:  this is how u manage this clg I think this is needed to be informed to Dad ... n with whom u r talking she is my family n I very well know y n who told u to do all this....

Principal:  sir who is she... ... I mean what relation u have with her... because sir she is very cheap she have many lovers..

Prince: stop.... who the hell r u to talk anything about her... who r u to ask me... oh need to inform them that someone came n solved everything so go n say that her fiance was here...... n say me one thing is this y we made u principal is this how u work  .. Because of this stupidity of ur her whole career is about to end do u Even have any idea oh ha how will u have because u don't know that pain right.. hm ur son n daughter works in kundra industry right just a sec let me give u same pain..

Prince took his phone j called omi n told him to remove both brother n sister..

Principal:  sirrr   please don't do this 

Prince : if u want to stop me give me each n every detail right now  ..

Principal:  hm sir few days back on lady came n she told she Is the owner of Prakash industry n told me that if I don't allow this girl to write the exam n work for internships they would give me 30 lacks  ... n I got blind n I told yes  .. I m sorry sir..

Prince :sorry my foot... now say me who was the lady..

Prince started showing photos first Tm..

Principal: no sir..


Principal:  no sir .

Bua ...

Principal:  she was the lady who told this all...

Prince : ok then dad is on the way to deal with ...n not only dad even world will deal with u ...because everything is recorded nicely thank u sirr

Prince holds yuvika hand n started walking....

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