Chapter 12

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Michel dialed an unknown number, his voice tight with worry. "I've gotten into some trouble here," he said.

"And why are you telling me this? Aren't you a Police inspector here?" a gruff voice replied.

"The person I arrested yesterday," Michel blurted, "was a companion of the owner of Black Dragon." He clenched the phone tighter, inhaling a shaky breath. "She came in here today and took him with her. Ordered me to come to her house, too. The nerve of that—!"

A low chuckle crackled through the receiver. "The owner of Black Dragon, you say? So Lisa's involved in the matter, interesting." The voice paused. "Don't worry, I'll call Lucas. He'll go with you."

"A- Are you sure that'll be alright? With that... lustful bastard?" Michel stammered.

"Don't underestimate him," the voice said sharply. "He's more capable than you think. Now, don't be a coward and report back to me, whatever happens there." The line went dead.

Michel frowned at his phone. His gut feeling screamed not to trust this Lucas guy. He punched in another number.

"John?" Michel said when a gruff voice answered.

"Hey Michel! Long time no see. What's up?" John sounded friendly, almost happy to hear from him.

"Big problems," Michel blurted. He explained everything in a rush, how the person he arrested was tied to the Black Dragon boss, and how that boss, a lady named Lisa, took the guy back and wants Michel to see her too.

John listened quietly, then spoke. "Whoa, Lisa's involved? That changes things. Don't worry, I got an idea. But we gotta move fast. Meet me at our usual place by seven, okay?"

The call ended. Michel held the phone tight. Hiring killers was a scary idea, but what else could he do?

By five o'clock, I'd finished reading another book. Jenna, who seemed more approachable than Rosa and perhaps a few years younger in her thirties, sat beside me. My leg injury throbbed, making it difficult to walk on my own.

"Would you mind taking me to the garden?" I asked politely. The fresh air felt like a necessity.

As we reached the garden, a wave of tranquility washed over me. Birds chirped sweetly, gentle breezes rustled the leaves, and a comforting silence settled over everything. But my peace didn't last. Soon, I noticed a large group of people entering the mansion. Fifteen, maybe eighteen of them, all dressed in black. A knot of unease tightened in my chest.

"Guards?" I thought, my gaze fixed on the figures. "Why so many? Lisa doesn't run any illegal businesses from her mansion, does she?"

"Haven't seen that many guards here in ages," Jenna remarked, her voice a touch strained.

"How long has it been?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Jenna furrowed her brow, counting silently. "Two, maybe three years? Last time it happened, it was for her father's visit. But he's out of town on business."

Her words did little to ease my growing worry. If it wasn't her father, then who were these men, and why were they here now?

Lisa swept into the mansion earlier than usual that day, and a shiver ran down my spine. She wasn't alone. Two hulking bodyguards flanked her, their shaved heads and emotionless stares far more intimidating than the usual mansion security. Beside them, Drake seemed to shrink, though his eyes glinted with a dangerous energy.

The air crackled with a sense of impending chaos. Was this the "something big" Jenna mentioned?

Jenna appeared at my doorway, her usual smile strained. "My lady requests your presence in the dining room," she said curtly.

I rose, my leg protesting with a dull throb. I had no choice but to follow.

Lisa sat regally at the head of the table, a stark contrast to Drake's casual posture on her left. Maids glided in silently, setting down plates of steaming food. The clinking of silverware felt deafening in the tense silence.

"How's your recovery coming along?" Drake drawled, his gaze lingering a beat too long on my leg.

I forced a swallow, my voice barely a whisper. "The injuries are healing, but my leg seems to be getting worse."

"We'll reschedule your treatment for the day after tomorrow," Lisa said.

"But didn't the doctor say he needs two days for preparation?" I asked, a flicker of concern crossing my face.

Lisa waved her hand dismissively. "Leave that matter to me," she answered confidently.

I nodded silently, accepting her decision, and resumed eating my dinner. The tension in the room, however, remained thick.

After finishing my meal, I couldn't help but blurt out, "Why are so many guards here today?"

A sly smile crept across Lisa's lips. "Some visitors are going to arrive," she answered with a devilish tune, "and I wanted to give them a proper welcome."

Understanding dawned on me. "I see..." I said. "Well then, I think I'll retire to my room again."

Lisa gave a curt nod. After getting the approval, I left the place. Curiosity gnawed at me. "I wonder who these visitors might be," I pondered.

Meanwhile, as the clock struck seven, Michel arrived at the designated meeting spot - a deserted construction site shrouded in twilight. John stood there, but to Michel's surprise, he wasn't alone...

There, standing beside John, were figures clad in dark clothing and half-faced masks. John himself leaned nonchalantly against the edge of the roof, puffing on a cigarette.

"Are these the killers he talked about?" Michel thought, apprehension twisting his gut. He approached John cautiously.

"Boss," one of the masked figures said in a low voice, "Sir Michel has arrived."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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