My Birthday Is In Two Weeks!!

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Me: Two weeks from today is my birthday!!

Greta: Cool! The 31st?

Me: That's right, babe!

Greta: Thanks for letting me know!! I'll write it down, so I won't forget!

Olivia: No one is gonna remember!

Shanequah: Girl, shut up!

Olivia: Make me!

Shanequah: *beats up Olivia*

Olivia: *getting beat up*

Solomon: We won't forget your birthday, pal!

Iris: Nope!

Me: I appreciate you guys so much!

Jessica: We love you!

Shanequah: *still beating up Olivia*

Olivia: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Friday, May 17th, 2024.

A/N My birthday is only two weeks from today!! Super excited!!! 😎😄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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