chapter 5

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Mount Lambton Heights Nuclear and Special Weapons Lab Code of conduct article one section one

The code of conduct is created to safeguard our employees and the world around us. Not only creates solutions to problems that haven't presented themselves yet. Protecting the innocent people of our country from threats in other countries and hidden in our own. That Is where we come in to defend from these threats. To save those who can't do it themselves.

Chapter 5

I feel wet. cold. Laying on the hard tiled floor. A Doctor beside me one with their hand on my shoulder it's hard to breathe. I can't move. Every part of my body feels heavy. I can't hear properly their voices are muffled I don't understand them. My chest begins to burn. I let out a pained yell as the burn intensified spreading over a larger area growing sharper. A woman comes rushing over her face out of focus before clinging up. Dr Adeline reaches her hand out moving for my shoulder.

"don't touch me," I say through gritted teeth. It then I realise her hair that's usually neatly tied back is completely dishevelled strands flying away in every direction. Her coat as well the left side hanging off the shoulder with blood in places.

Small beads of sweat drip down her face mixing with flecks of blood running through a small cut on her cheek. "Ok listen fourteen. Everything is ok." She says her voice panicked.

I lock eyes with her "How can you say that? What's going on-"

"don't worry about that" She fidgets around with something in her coat pocket pulling out a syringe full of a green liquid. "This will put you back under." She grips my arm pushing the liquid into my veins. She looks at me with a comforting expression on her face.

She rubs her thumb back and forth across the crook of my elbow. the contact sending shivers up my arm "It's ok-"

"didn't I tell you not to touch me?" I hiss swinging my feet around at her.

She jumps back missing me "Goodness."

"GET OFF!" I yell. The room is starting to reconnect coming back into order other doctors making their way over to see what's going on between me and her realizing I'm no longer unconscious in a corner. She tries to shoo them away while I push myself back to the wall.

My heart is pounding in my head when I rest it up against the wall.

I realise now the cold puddle I was lying in before is a large pile of my own blood.

"he doesn't remember it. I'm sure-"

The woman's shaky voice is cut off interrupted by a stronger male one. "you're sure?"

"Well Miss Adeline said-" she cut off again.

"Adeline?" his voice heightened a fraction. Curiosity edged his tone "Miss. Dr Adeline Sterling was not permitted to be in the building today let alone anywhere around or in exam room four A, especially at the time of a procedure. So would you be so kind as to tell me how Miss Adeline Sterling has this information?"

I stay still. keeping my breathing steady and my eyes closed. listening.

"She was there." Her voice is shaking more. I don't recognise her.

"She was there?" the male voice said I find it difficult to identify the voice. My hearing is still muffled and recovering from whatever drug is coming out of my system.

"Yes. She came running in just after the incident started. by the time she got in several people were already injured but most of the staff in the room were killed or dying and weren't able to survive long enough to be attended to. miss Adeline was the only one in the room that wasn't touched. Well, and whoever was observing from past the one-way mirror in the control room."

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