Escape part 2

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Meanwhile with lucifer

They had him tied up, scarcely breathing, but he was still alive, which was all that mattered to them. They were going to take him to another area of the nation, but for the time being, they put him in a room until they were ready to move him. Lucifer's eyes were somewhat better but remained hazy as he gazed around the new room he was in, and then he saw a scientist carry Charlie into the room; she stared at her father with tears in her eyes.

Charlie: "papa"

She came up to him weeping, and Lucifer noticed his daughter crying, so he embraced her in his arms and told her he was OK. She looked at her father with a bruise and tears in her eyes, and she began crying even harder and louder, to the point where the glass cracked. Lucifer attempted to calm her down, but it didn't work because all she could think about was how severely hurt he looked, what the scientist had said about her mother, and how she may be dead. All of the feelings she had suppressed for years were suddenly pouring out.

Lilith heard Charlie crying and followed where the noise of broken glass was, she unlocked the door and saw her daughter and hugged her tight saying how glad she was fine and how much she missed her, then she looked over at Lucifer injured and hugged him saying she was sorry for being so selfish and hurting him before letting go and picking up Charlie and putting her in the cart with all the little girls, she held out her hand to help him since he still can't see well.

They begin rushing towards the exit, and Lucifer notices a very blurry Alastor bleeding, with black tentacles and blood on his mouth from all the scientists he ate, becoming a genuine monster. Lucifer was thrilled as he saw Alastor and ran up to hug him, telling him how much he missed him. Alastor, who was bleeding, was not paying attention because his only focus was blood and hunger. Lucifer saw guards preparing to attack Alastor and began using his wings to block them and his tail to impel them. After killing them, he began healing Alastor, even though it was making him feel awful and more tired than he was already. Alastor was calming down and snapped out to see Lucifer hugging him.

Alastor: "Lucifer"

Lucifer: "Alastor, I'm glad you're back"

He passed out, and Alastor picked him up and began painting he then looked over to see Lilith running him to see Lucifer passed out she checked him to see was okay just tired, she told him they had to leave now, they ran to the exit and almost free only to hear a gunshot, Lilith stopped to see she was bleeding from her stomach and stopped,

Lilith's mom: "Stop, if you move now, I'll have to shoot you, and Lilith, you are such a disappointment"

Charlie stepped out of the wagon and came to her mother, looking at her with tears in her eyes, and Lilith gazed down at her daughter, sobbing after years of not crying, and placed her head on her daughter's forehead.

Lilith: "Charlie, my darling girl, I love you"

Lilith's mom: "Sorry, daughter of mine, but ": she stopped as a bullet was put in her head; it was Camila; she hurried over to Lilith and grabbed her up, carrying her; Seraphina ran over to Lucifer to assist him; and then she proceeded to check on Charlie and the girls.

Camila's team destroyed the lab over the following few days, Lilith was in a coma from the bullet while Lucifer was resting in a room, and Camila's team scientists attempted to assist him and Alastor. Lucifer slowly awoke to find himself in a new setting, he was about to panic until he saw Alastor go into the room, he went over and grabbed Alastor tightly.

Lucifer: "Alastor"

Alastor: "Lucifer, It's okay. I'm here... We're free now."

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