13 4 5

(this is a time skip to when samek becomes a teacher)

So im now 23 and a teacher of mukbang sorcery. My students are doing well but there comes this years new students and they seem like pretty interesting. Half of them are prodigys from the streets. The other are from the known clans. Anyways my first candidate was a cool samurai looking kid. Thx to our background checks we saw that he was a kid from the hood that was the strongest there. They ran a fight club and he was known as the chewing gum alpha. He lives in a abandoned street amd he works as a underground alpha boxer. All the girls want him but i think that was something he added given his dumbfounded look anyways i enter the room .a room enchanted by the sacred sandwhich binding vow. A vow that makes a room enchanted by a special lock. The lock involved sandwhiches. I enter the code: bottom bread lettuce salami ketchup tomato top bread.as i enter i see that dumbfounded look again

-"well hello bro,my names samek burger king and your my student . Atleast you are if you do accept. If you dont we-

"Ok i get it  my names thomas. Im the alpha king of  selčina"-says while chewing 5 chewing gum

"Interesting. We will ask you a couple of questions to see if youre worth it"

" I think my aura of top g-ness is enough for you or you dont notice"-says while chewing 10 chewing gum

"Lets get straight to the point alpha. When did you notice your so called powers"

"Well if i really gotta think. I just fought a guy while chewing gum. Before fighting was tougher but when i chewed gum it made it so much easier. So i just got used to doing that"-says while chewing 10 chewing gum

"Ooh nice. I gotta ask do you have any relatives"-

"My baby brother means the life to me. His name is xavier and he has powers like me. But hes only 2 years old . Our mother is taking care of him but shes a troubling addict so i bassicly run the family."

"Interesting.... Anyways i think thats it. Your officially under my classes and youll meet the other teachers later"

"What happens to my family"

"They will live close to the school and will have all the paid expenses"

"Ok then im in"

And so we finished the interview. He going to his mother and brother and i went to get a bagel to prepare for the other interview. I heard this ones pretty bratty


this girl according to our data is a little younger than the last guy. Like five month gap. And she lives on badelov mountain.The infamous mountain for a lot of high grade hunger spirits cuz ppl starve there. I dont wanna check it since its close and im a bit yucked by the spirits there. So we will see if shes yucky too through the glass i saw her look on her face. Bratty asf. She rolled her eyes while waiting for me. Yeesh scary. Also on our data it says that she lost all her family on the mountain. Anyways lets start

I entered the same room from before. Once i stepped i could just feel her energy. The last one kept his energy to himself cuz he was smart not to let it out. But hers is just leaking through the room. Like a spirit was freshly born.

"Hello.... So shall we start ?"-i said a bit terrified

"What kind of question is that. If i dont do it youll execute me"

"Ooh fine just some of our students can be the suicidal type"

"Ooh come on idiot do i strike as the suicidal type to you"-rolls her eyes

"So first question. How did you figure out your powers"

"Since i ate the spirit that killed my father and mother."

"Ewwwwww"- i barf in a bucket

"Anyways what was the spirit you ate."

"I cant really remember numbnut. Check my information that was 5 years ago"


"no five years in hell idiot"-sarcastically

"Anyways how did u survive there"

"I ate all the spirits i could find"-says with the frickin death stare

I just stare at her. Eating spirits were never wrote about . Only deleting them. This is interesting

"You have any relatives left..."-i say calmly

"I told you earlier the spirits ate them all"-she shed a tear

"Ok then i guess youre welcome. Your dorm will be shown by our guide."

I uncomfortably left.i shed a tear that day too .THE TEAR WAS FOR HOW GOOD  OUR STUDENTS ARE THIS YEAR. I MUST NOT FAIL THEM. I SHALL STAND PROUD FOR MY STUDENTS. THEY ARE MY LEGACY. tommorow we interview the rest.....

(Next part a bit delayed cuz Hyunjin36 is taking her time. Hope yall have a good day:D)

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