48: Like Old Times

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I stared out of the window of Gabriel's bedroom at six in the morning. The sun was shining over the back yard causing the snow to drip off the roof of the house. 
It was amazing how aware I was of the small things now. 

I pulled the blanket around me tighter and flinched at the throbbing ache in my back. The only reason I was up so early was because of my back. I glanced at Gabriel's sleeping body and sighed. Last night, we fell asleep in each other's arms. His thoughts were filled with memories that were slowly fading from my own while mine were trying to connect with the human side I've been trying so hard to cling onto.

The house was silent from any thoughts or voices so I was guessing everyone left after I saw them last night. 

And Gabriel was dreaming... 

A small whimper escaped my own lips as my back arched over from pain. I checked to see if Gabriel heard but he thankfully didn't move or shift. I didn't know whether to go back to bed or keep my mind off the pain. I needed to take the medicine later on. It was too early. 
Maybe I could go outside... A run maybe.

I took a step toward the door when I heard the movement on the bed. I looked at him in time to see his eyes search the empty sheets beside him then finally land on me.

I moved back to his side of the bed and loosened the blanket enough to get my hand out. "Go back to sleep." I moved a curly lock of hair away from his forehead. 

"Are you alright?"

I nodded and forced a smile. "I'm fine; I just need to get some air."

He was about to sit up but I pushed him back down. "Go back to sleep Gabriel."

He frowned. "Is it your back?"

I stroked his cheek. "Yes, but I'm fine I promise. I just need some air that's all."

He stared at me for a minute but then nodded and laid his head back on his pillow. I pressed my lips to his head and grabbed one of his dark red t-shirts off the side. I shrugged it on, dropping the blanket in the process. I walked out of his room slowly, occasionally stopping to groan in pain. 

I made it to my room to shrug on underwear and a pair of grey sweat pants. I slipped on my white Converse and made my way downstairs. Once outside I breathed in deeply and let it out.

The fresh air filled my lungs but it didn't do a thing to the pain in my back.

I started walking around to the front so I could take a walk through the forest. I knew I was safe here. The demon or Reece wouldn't dream to come here without getting themselves killed. 

I heated myself up from my core so I wouldn't get cold as I didn't have a coat or jacket on. When the wind blew, that's when I realized I'd picked up one of Gabriel's ripped shirts.
I shivered slightly and continued to heat myself up. Maybe a run might get my blood boiling. 

I didn't want to run far but maybe near the river...

I weaved in and out of the trees and got there in no time. I shut my eyes, bent down and put my hand on the snow. A huge circle melted around me and I sat down. I didn't care if the grass was wet.

I glanced around the clearing and down at the water.

I'd had a dream last night... It was one of a burning forest. I'd had the dream before but it's been a while. It was vivid. The same burning forest and the river. Gabriel was there but he was shouting. I couldn't make out his words.

I knew it was this forest. And now that I knew that I could burn anything I want, I obviously had something to do with the dream. But when, I didn't know. I was afraid. 
There was something inside of me telling me that I was close to my final change. I could feel it.

My hand instinctively went to my back when a sharp pain coursed throughout it. I looked at my hand and sighed. Blood.

I stood up to rinse my hands in the river. When I turned back to the place I was seated, I lay back not caring that my head was in snow and groaned. How many pints of blood does a human get? 
I mean I should be dead with the amount of blood I've lost.

I stared toward the sun when a thought came to mind. Could I be that hot? Could I ever turn myself up to the heat of the sun? That'd be pretty interesting to try... Very stupid though. Why would I be stupid enough to do that?

A familiar feeling passed through me and I chuckled. "You can't keep yourself hidden. It's impossible now. I could feel you from miles away." I turned my head to the entrance of the clearing.

A familiar blonde walked through after two minutes. He smiled genuinely and strolled forward. "I know you can."

"What brings you around, Cameron? You shouldn't really be here."

He stood in front of me and I observed his long sleeve white t-shirt and his dark ripped jeans. His smile turned into a frown and he turned away. 

"Oh," I said understanding. "You could..."

"Feel you." He finished for me. "Yes. I wasn't far from here. Your large amount of energy sort of blasted my way. It's not safe for you to be out here. Even if you are close to the house."

"I needed to get away. Get some air while everyone's sleeping." I sat up and stared up at him. "My back isn't very cooperative."

He glanced down at the ground before saying, "I can see that."

I looked where he was and saw the blood on parts of the snow. I put my hand on top if it and melted it.

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