Chapter 33

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Lottie POV

"Where the hell did you go!?" Mason shouted as soon as I walked through the door. Ignoring his question I walked straight up to him.

"Did you know" I grounded out as I gritted my teeth.

"Did you know!?" I questioned raising my voice, feeling thankful that our children didn't witness this seeing as they were still at Mason's parents house.

"Know what!?" He shouted and I flinched slightly before looking at him with a determined look when all I wanted to do was fall to the ground and cry.

"That my father decided it was a great idea to fuck the girl who tried to kill us"

"What are you talking about Lottie?" He questioned and I let out a growl of frustration.

"Rose! Mason! Rose and my Father are going out! The same girl who was fucking my ex-boyfriend, the same girl who is a back stabbing, two faced, lying bitch! The same girl who tried to kill me!" I shouted at him, my wolf and I getting so angry that if I didn't calm down I was going to shift.

"Lottie are you okay?" He questioned worriedly and I let out another frustrated growl as I pulled my hair.

"Mason of course I'm not okay! Didn't you hear a word I said!?" I growled.

"She was being controlled baby" He stated softly and I looked at him as if he had two heads. What the hell is going on!?

"No she wasn't! God what is wrong with you and my father today!?" I complained.

"Look, I know things aren't that great between you two, and I know things won't be the same but you need to forgive her. She's sorry babe" He smiled softly and I backed away from him. Shaking my head.

"How can you say that?" I muttered as tears started to cloud my eyes.

"How could you say something like that!?" I said raising my voice as I clenched my hands together "Do you not care about me!? She tried to not only kill me but your children Mason! Our children!" I shouted.

The tears came down and I couldn't stop them. What was going on? Why was Mason acting like that? Why was my Dad going out with her? Why was things becoming so bad all of a sudden?

Running outside, I ran as far away from where I was as I could. My breathing became quick and sharp as I ran outside the cold air, the ice cold wind blowing against my skin. All I could hear was the sound of my feet against the ground, the leaves crunching beneath my feet, the sound of crickets filling the air.

I let out a cry as I felt myself stumbling over a log, screaming a little as I fell down a small steep hill. Landing with an 'omph' I rubbed my arms as I winced at the small pain before looking at my surroundings. 

Looking down I saw my leg had been scraped but was already healing, I couldn't help but tuck my legs in as I wrapped my arms around them pulling them even in. Putting my head down, I let my cries drown out the nearly soundless air.

I knew it was useless crying but sometimes you can't help it. Right now I felt as if the world was against me. Everything was turning into shambles and sometimes I found myself thinking what did I do to deserve this? Did I do something wrong that made the world hate me? Make my life a nightmare? Did life want to kill me? Was that what they were trying to tell me? To end my life? Because what kind of life is this if every minute is a waking disaster?

No. Don't think that Lottie. Overcome this, like you always do. Be better than this. Be Stronger than this. Don't end it.

I shook my head. That's right. I shouldn't be thinking about that. I had a better life than most. I had a mate that loved me. I had 3 beautiful children. To me that was enough. 

My eyes snapped up as I heard twigs snapping. Looking in front of me, I narrowed my eyes as I knew who it was.

"Aww is little miss perfect crying" Rose pouted at me mockingly.

"Shut up" I gritted and she let out a humorous laugh.

"You want to know something?" She smirked before continuing "I was always jealous of you" She stated and I raised my eyebrow.

"You had the perfect life, even though you had lost your mother, your father made sure to spoil you lots. You were popular not just because you were the Alpha's daughter but because everyone who met you loved you. Not to mention Blake. The golden boy. The person who every guy wanted to be and every girl wanted to have." She stated glaring at me "I liked him way before you! You were my best friend and instead of considering my feelings you fucking got together with him and went out! What kind of best friend does that!" She shouted and I let out a growl.

"So you thought it would be okay to just go behind my back and fucking fuck him!? How the hell was I suppose to know you liked him!? Does it look like I can see into your brain and know what the fuck you are thinking!? No you stupid bitch! We were best friends and instead of telling me up front that you liked him you had to go behind my fucking back!" I shouted growling as I stood up.

This was not my fault. How could I have known she liked him!?

"You were my best friend! You were suppose to know everything about me! But instead of thinking about me you had to think about yourself and whore yourself around him" She spat in disgust and I laughed.

"Oh yes because whoring around is definitely someone who hadn't even had sex yet and was a complete virgin" I stated sarcastically rolling my eyes at her.

"Why don't you grow the fuck up Rose, and leave my pack and I alone. Leave my Dad the fuck alone to, he doesn't need your slut nose sticking into his business" I clarified and she smirked.

"Oh but Lottie honey, what your Dad and I have is something special. If you think I'm going to break up with your Dad. You're dead wrong" She grinned and I couldn't help it.

Before I knew it my hand had connected with her face so fast she let out a squeal as she tumbled to the floor. Holding her cheek with her face as she stared up at me with shock I glared at her.

"If you know whats better for you Rose, you'll leave this place, my pack and leave. Go far away because if you don't I will kill you" Lowering my voice at the end.

"You don't scare me Lottie. You think you can win this but you won't I have this in the palm of my hand. Why else would I be here? Your mate even doesn't even mind that I'm here Lottie. Don't you find it strange Lottie? That your mate didn't even seem to care? That he seemed to forgive me even when I had tried to kill you?" She questioned looking up at me with a smirk.

"You know. I guess being a _____ comes in handy sometimes" She smirked and before I knew it I blacked out.


Hey Guys!

Okay so you guys might be wondering why the hell is there a _____??? I thought it would be fun for you guys to comment what you think she's going to say. The one who gets the answer right first will be my dedication for my next chapter and I'll follow them! *Not that its that great being followed by me haha* I will inform the winner before hand by PM and then tell you guys in the next chapter! If you'd like me to do something like this comment below and tell me! That would be great so I know if you guys would like to do something like this again.

So what did you think of this chapter? What do you think will happen? What about Mason? Do you guys reckon you know what the _____ is? Comment down below what you think!

I just want to say 'Wow'. I woke up this morning and I saw all the comments and I was like 'OH MY GOD!' I was so surprised with you guys commenting so I wanted to say thank you! I loved all you're comments and I do read every single one even the hate :P So keep posting your comments makes my day!! Love you all xx


Until Next Time


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