ADHD Therapy Pt 1.

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You're not smart enough to make good grades in school
You're not normal enough for most people to think that you are cool.
You're not 16 Ryan you're mentally 13."
But despite my age doctor I am still hurting
That when I speak people tell me to be silent
Even when what their saying is not only hurtful but it gets violent
There's 30 kids in this classroom that hate me & they debate Monday through Friday on how to make my day a living hell.
I thought you said that this medicine would make me well
But all its excelled in is keeping me up restless at night
So that I can't even dream about living a better life. "Well what about your Mother ? She says that you and her have been fighting, that your temper is frightening & you seem so uninviting almost as if you don't love her. Why aren't you getting along with your mother ?"
Doctor I'm not getting along with my mother and it's not because I don't love her
No I'm not getting along with my mother because doctor I don't trust her
She looks me in my eyes and tells me that I'm beautiful
Yet when I leave this house these people make me feel delusional
That the way I look is inexcusable
That despite all these pharmaceuticals I'm still weird awkward and unusual
And I'm losing my mind because when my mother tells me that I'm beautiful
I feels she's saying it out of pity and love but not because it's true & I have always hated pity.
I feel unsuitable to be a human being.
Is this what a 13 year old is supposed to be feeling ? - Vonsensei

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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