Chapter 25: Sexy Car Wash

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"Are you okay?" Daniel asked for the sixth time. I stopped walking and turned to look at him. Okay, I glared at him.

"Ask me that question again and I swear to god, I'm going to hurt you" I snapped and instinctively he rose his arms in surrender and Rachel snickered.

"No need to get your panties in a twist" he muttered making me roll my eyes.

"Come on, let's go home" Ally said, trying to ease the atmosphere. I was really snappy after that meeting with the Queen Bitch.

"Where's Ted and Justin?" I asked and we all turned our heads to look around for them.

"Call them" Rachel sighed while rolling her eyes at Daniel. Daniel quickly did what he was told.

"Where are you?" he asked suddenly in the phone and then his face scrunched in disgust. "We're going at Angel's" he informed and then ended the call.

"So?" Ally asked curiously while looking down at her nails, trying to appear bored but I could see through her façade.

"They've met some chicks" Daniel replied while putting his mobile phone in his back pocket. I could see Ally biting the inside of her cheek. Something that she does whenever she's thinking too hard on something. I hooked my arm with hers and started walking to my car. I could hear Daniel and Rachel bickering about Aliens behind us.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked Ally, lowering my voice so that I wouldn't interrupt the arguments that the two idiots behind me were having.

"Tell you later" she whispered and after looking at her face, I nodded. She wasn't going to talk about it because Daniel was with us. I sat in the driver seat and waited for the others to take place in.

"Not wanting to sound rude but Daniel, why are you still hanging with us?" I questioned curiously as I looked at him in the rearview mirror to find him glaring at me.

"Well, that sounded rude" he said. "I just like hanging with you and pissing Rachel off" he said with a smirk. I caught Rachel smiling at his words making me sigh. My best friend is falling with a player. Yoopie!

With those words, I started driving and I put the speakers out loud so that Katy Perry's voice was booming in the car with a groaning Daniel.


Hours later, everyone was gone to their houses. I was alone as usual and I really missed their presence. I walked in the silent house, humming a song to myself and made my way to the living room. I hated the fact that Ace didn't spend the day with us and not to forget that his fuck buddy was back in town. Is he going to ignore us? I remember that when Sasha was at school, the bad boys were hanging with her and her minions. I hope they wouldn't ignore us.

I shook my head and tried to get those stressful things off my mind and turned on the television. I sat on the couch and sighed. It was so boring. I picked up my phone and decided to phone my grand mother. I didn't talk to her since the day I left her house and I felt bad for ignoring her phone calls. On the first ring, she answered the phone.

"Angel baby!" she sighed and i could hear relief in her voice which instantly made me smile.

"Granny" I greeted. "I'm sorry for ignoring your calls" I quickly apologized and I could see her smile in my head.

"I understand sweety" she breathed. "I'm sorry for the dinner. I should have known that she would do that" she said with regret filling her voice.

"Let's just forget it" I proposed and made myself comfortable on the couch.

"How are you doing?" she asked, making my eyes fall on the marks that I did on my wrist.

"I'm fine" I answered, not wanting to stress her with my problems. "Just a little bored" I groaned and she chuckled.

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