7. Ladies ladies you're both very pretty

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Thirteen's POV

"Focus. Keep your eyes on your opponent, calculate their next move." I command to the sweating, panting boy on the floor in front of me. Seriously Jason, we've only been at this for an hour.

I seriously don't think he'd last in a fight.

He staggers to his feet slowly and takes a swing at me...I dodge effortlessly.

It's official...he'd die.

"How is this easy for you?" he asks as he bends over placing his hands on his knees and giving me a look of surprise. "You haven't even broken a sweat!" he shouts.

"Good to know your eyes are in proper working order." Sarcasm dripping off my every word. "Now come on let's go again. Remember, focus and watch me." I say again. He groans.

"Hey you're the one who asked me to help train you, and as your 'coach' I'm going to give you some helpful pointers" I pause, "Your footwork is sloppy, the power behind your swings is pathetic, your reflexes are defective, and your endurance sucks," I state seriously while giving him an innocent look.

In truth, everything I just told him is complete BS but...I'm trying to give him some motivation to keep going and in my experience, making another agent angry always seems to do the trick. For some reason, other agents don't appreciate being told off by fellow agents, if it's a superior great, if it's another agent...you might get shot. Luckily for me, I made sure all weapons were left inside.

He face darkens and again he begins to swing at me, this time with more energy than before. We continue to dodge and swing at each other with me winning.

Now from my experience anger can do one of two things, A) cloud your judgment and make you lose focus, or B) motivate you and help you perform better. For Jason, it's the latter.

He pulls his arm back to swing and I move my arm up to block it while at the same time bringing my knee up into his stomach causing him to double over in pain. He throws his foot out in an effort to trip me but I dodge easily and deliver a right uppercut into his chin. He staggers back but doesn't fall. Suddenly there's clapping to my left. I turn to face Devin sitting on the grass about six yards from us stuffing his face with popcorn.

"This isn't a TV show you can watch whenever you darn well please." He is so weird.

"No you're right...this is better!" he shouts back gleefully.

"He's got a few screws loose." Jason murmurs quietly so only I can hear.

"Really? What was the giveaway?"

"I can hear both of you." Devin snaps while grabbing a fist full of popcorn and chucking it at us...only it landed several yards away. Jason starts laughing.

"Is that the best you got?" I watch Devin slide a throwing knife out of his pocket, aiming it straight for Jason who happens to be leaning against a tree, still laughing hysterically. Typical.

The knife soars gracefully through the air and only now does Jason see it. I let out a sigh as I reach my hand out and grab the knife by the blade, stopping it mere centimeters away from Jason's face...he audibly gulps, before calming down and yelling at Devin.

"What the hell! You could have killed me!" he roars in anger and begins to advance on Devin who throws his bowl of popcorn in his way.

Great idea Devin, that'll slow him down...not.

I twirl the knife in my hand, making it dance across my fingers as Cody and Chase exit the house and come into the backyard to see what all the commotion is.

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