Check Out My Completed Trilogy - Heart of Stone

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Please check out Heart of Stone, a completed werewolf trilogy. (Or just drool over the pictures I'll be posting of "Stone" ... that works too, LOL)



When Beauty meets the Beast, all Hell breaks loose.

Powerful lycanthrope Stone was haunted by a dark and painful past.

Spunky, twenty-four-year-old Aubree was oblivious to the supernatural world and the dangers that lurked within.

Their worlds collide when he picks up the scent of a century-long lost soul on her. Could she be the reincarnation of his deceased lycan soulmate?

He vows not to get attached, and she wants nothing to do with him. Neither one can deny the intense attraction they feel, but can they overcome their own inhibitions before the vampires skulking in the corners of the city sink their teeth into the lycan's newest fixation?



"Remember the night I killed you?"

The darkness concealed her, and although he couldn't see her clearly through the numerous tree branches she hid behind far above, he could feel her sneer as it bristled his fur.

His lips curled back in a snarl, exposing his razor sharp teeth.

She continued to taunt him. To get under his fur. Her tone casual, as if conversing over the dead was as mundane as talking about the weather. "I remember it quite well. Like it was yesterday. How many years has it been? At least a hundred, if I'm not mistaken."

He hadn't forgotten. How could he? The blood. The severed heads of his soulmate and firstborn son. A part of him died that day. The loss affected everyone in the pack. She was their Luna, the heart of the pack. A pack could not function without a Luna and an Alpha.

"Talk to me, Sten," she cooed as her bare feet slipped soundlessly over a thick branch. It groaned under her weight. "Tell me how it feels. Tell me how your soul aches for hers. Tell me how it feels to lose your own flesh and blood because you couldn't save them."

Growling, he lunged at the tree. His huge claw-like paws grasped the lowest branches that snapped immediately under his weight. The bark cracked and chipped away as he grasped to the trunk.

Cackling met his ears as he pulled himself up one arm-length.

She jumped effortlessly to another tree as his claws tore through the bark and he began to slip.

Carina was always slipping out of his grasp. She took to the trees knowing that he would never be able to reach her. She moved with a swift grace that his huge form could never muster.

"Always one step behind, aren't you, Sten? Such a pity you can never reclaim what you desire."


These aren't cute and fluffy wolves we'll be dealing with either. I posted a picture of what I envision their lycan-wolf forms to look like on the summary page of the story. Grizzly beasts for sure!

So feel free to hop on over there and give Heart of Stone a chance!


Zara's Wolf (Book 1 of the Zara's Wolf Trilogy) BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now