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"(Y/n) get up" my mother yelled. It was currently 5:30 am, I slowly dragged myself out of my bed and walked to the calendar i had hanging on the wall. July 16, 2015 (current date). I rubbed my eyes to adjust my vision; as I approached the calendar i saw "Camp" written on todays date, followed by a line crossing throughout the 16 to the 17 of the week, meaning i was gonna be there 2 whole days counting today. My mom thought it was such a great idea, she told me i would enjoy it, when in reality, those were gonna be 2 days of Evan Peters fanfic that I'm not going to get to read. As i packed my bags, i filled it with:

*AHS Merch

*2 Days Worth Of Clothes

*Phone Charger

*Lady materials

And other materials necessary for a growing hormonal 17 year old.

Once i finished packing and getting ready, it was 6:00 and time to head off to the Lame Ass 2 Days Of No Fanfic Camp which was by the way 2 hrs away.

** Skips Car Ride**

After a long while we finally got there at exactly 8:10 a.m. As we pulled up to the camp, and Shït it was huge!!! I got my bags and hopped out of the car.

"Hey mom, I don't kn-" but before i could even finish my sentence, she was gone.

"Ummm...ok??" I quitely said to myself.

As i walked up to the camp, they had a paper taped to the main entrance door that had the ages and what they were going to be doing:

7- Arts and Crafts
8- Sports
9- Science
10- Technology
11- Crime Investigation
12- Animal Care
13- Wood Shop
14- Cooking
15- Choir/ Band
16-18: Chaperones

I rolled my eyes and mumbled "Great, because I love taking care of kids" but I'm guessing not quiet enough, because I heard a voice from behind me talking to me.

"Yeah, tell me about it." I turned around to be met by a cute blondie with perfect blue eyes and tan and holy shït...he's just a work of art😍

"Haha" I giggled.

"My name's Luke by the way." he stated

"Oh what a nice name" i said with total sarcasm.

"Very funny...uhhh..." He said leading on the 'H'

"(Y/n), haha, my name's (Y/n)" I said turning around because i could feel my cheeks starting to burn.

"Glad you to are getting would y'all like the idea of comming inside?" The camp director...I'm guessing...asked us

After that we all went on a little tour of the camp site which was like 30-45 min and got paired into 5 and lucky for me, Luke was in my group. HELL. YESSSS!!!!

So it was already 8:58 and we need to Chaperone the little kids.

We got paired with the 8 year olds. Yes! Sports. I was voted most athletic in my grade...this should be a breeze

They gave me some clothes to change into, so i found the locker room, and after i canged into the Athletic clothes they gave me, i walked to the gym where they were already warming up for a game of Basketball. Luke looked like he was watiting for someone to warm up with, so i made my way over to him.

"Hey loner" i said with a little giggle twords the end.

"Where have you been?? I was here waiting for you." He questioned

"You were waiting" I said blushing a little while looking down.

"Lol no" he said laughing

luke hemmings smut/dirty imaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ