Scene 042

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Scene 042

Reaching her cabin, Amy placed down all of her packages. She reached up to pet the Dolefur. "You'd think they would've preferred for me to have made a different choice in pets." Amy said with a shrug. "Well, it doesn't matter. I like you."

Amy saw a rainbow in her mind and a flush of warm feelings through her body. "Did that come from you?" She questioned.

The feelings and rainbow came again.

"Now for a name, would you mind if I called you Lubin?"

The warm feelings came with a smile this time.

"You're intelligent, I wonder why people fear you?"

A sad feeling flooded Amy. She was shown scenes of major death and destruction, where a Dolefur was always present. Then he showed her scenes of beauty, birth, and rebuilding in the presence of a Dolefur, but the Dolefur in each scene seemed to fade.

"Are you telling me that your race has always been in the wrong place at the wrong time?"

The warm feeling came again.

"People only remember your presence during the disasters but don't remember you during the good times."

Tenfold, came the warm feeling.

"One more question, do you have any intent to cause trouble?"

A giggling feeling filled Amy. She just had to join.

"Let us go, find Santi, and give her the gift that was purchased today," Amy said, grabbing the jeweled-tone crystal bracelet, while Lubin adjusted himself on her shoulder.

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