Chapter 6: Shower Frenzy

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"Dad, did you know Ricky can lift 30 pound weights?" I asked, plopping down on the couch next to Trevor. He wrapped his arm around me. Connor looked up from his phone and rolled on his stomach; he was laying on the floor.

"No I didn't. Wow, Rickster. What do you need to lift 30 pounds for? You planning on murdering me? Because, if you haven't noticed, I'm not 30 pounds. I'm more of a 150 pounder."

"For your information Franta, I actually have muscles. And if I wanted to kill you, do you think I would take your child to the gym?" Ricky spouted back to Connor.

"Touché." Connor rolled back on his back and held his phone above his face.

I snuggled my head in Trevor's chest. I could hear his heartbeat. For some reason it was going super fast. I wonder why.

"Um, Trev, why is your heart about to beat out of your chest?" I picked my head up and looked at him. His face was a beat red color and you could tell he didn't want to talk about it. I rested my head back down. I closed my eyes and allowed his heartbeat to be my melody.

"Katie!" Della yelled, racing to me. My head shot up and I hit Trevor's chin.

"Ohmy- I'm so sorry!" I wrapped Trevor in a hug and kissed his chin repeatedly. He moved his head down slightly so my lips crashed onto his lips instead of his chin. Sparks, no, explosions went off around me. My heart raced, my knees became weak, and I got goosebumps down my spine. It was magical.

"Um, awkward." Della switched her weight to her other foot and stood awkwardly by the couch.

"Oh, hey Della." I pulled away from Trevor and faced her. She pulled me off of his lap and hugged me. I tapped her shoulder. She pulled away.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I chuckled and walked away from the couch. On my way to the bathroom, I pressed my toe against Connor's phone and to my luck, it fell on his face. It. Hit. His. Nose. I ran to the bathroom so Connor couldn't catch up.

I locked the door and shrunk down it. I laughed some more and stood up. I stripped my shirt. I glanced in the mirror. I saw a curve coming from my belly. I placed my hand on top and jiggled it. It bounced up and down. I laughed some more. Atleast I'm gaining weight. I used to be 90 pounds before the boys.

I stripped the rest of my clothes and turned the water on. I took a cold shower since I was still sweaty from my workout with Ricky. I took a long, cold shower. I almost fell asleep in there a few times.

I hopped out and wrapped a towel around me. Since I forgot my clothes, I'm going to have to run to my room from here. I tucked a corner of the towel in and adjusted it some. I unlocked the door and cracked it open. I heard loud voices from the living room so I sprinted to my room. I shut the door and locked it. I faced my bed and saw a body sitting perfectly straight on it.

"What are you doing in my room?" I yelled.

"You're my 'sister', aren't you? And sisters share rooms." Ava smirked at me. I walked to the brat and grabbed her wrist. I drug her to my door.

"Leave." I demanded, unlocking and opening the door. I pointed my free arm towards the living room but kept my glance on the girl.

"Daddy!" She yelled. I didn't have enough time to let go of her hand before everyone rushed in here. She held her arms behind her back and everyone stared at me. Nicole was even there, she had a disappointed look on her face.

"We've been through this, Katie." Connor's stern voice rang through my head. He pulled the girl in front of him, resting his arms on her shoulders.

"When are you going to stop this. Wake up, Katie she's your sister." Ricky's voice appeared in the conversation.

Yeah, wake up." Kian added.

"Wake up."

"Wake up."

"Wake up." My head started pounding. The room was spinning. The little girl's smirk was plastered in my brain. My knees were weak. The glares from everyone were piercing into my heart.

"WAKE UP!" Connor yelled in my face. I was lying on the bathroom floor covered with a towel across my body.

"Huh?" I opened my eyes and saw familiar feet around my face. I took my glance to their faces. Standing above me was Jc, Ricky, and Connor.

"Is she okay?" I heard Trevor's voice say behind me.

"Yeah she's fine. She just fell asleep in the shower. It wasn't a panic attack." Ricky answered.

"Huh?" I stared up at Ricky's face.

"You fell asleep in the shower. We came running when we heard you fall out." I nodded my head and sat up. I wrapped my body up in the towel that was tossed over me.

"Something wrong?" Jc's brown eyes were full of concern.

"Where's Ava?" I'm guessing the question came as a shock to them.

"She's with Nicole. Nicole re-apdoted her." Connor answered.
I wonder how many more plot twists will be thrown in? One can only know. Anyways, feedback? I want to know how you guys are feeling about this book.

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