13: I'll live

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I felt like the biggest asshole on the planet. How could I forget to say thank you to someone who saved my life?

She was all modest about it but she knew what she did. God those big brown eyes had a spell over me, it was crazy. I didn't know much about this girl but I think I like her. She's so in control out here and I think she doesn't even know it.

She's been living alone in the wild for months, she has a damn wolf, she saved my life, and she's acting like all that's nothing. It was funny and cute when she blushed.

The way she was so gentle when she put the bandage on my head was as if she thought she'd hurt me. She was so careful and kind, I loved it.

I told her I'd make it up to her and I meant it. I had to stay here to protect her, no matter what I thought about my cabin. She didn't look like she needed my help but she could one day. Staying until after winter wasn't something I wanted to do, but I'd stay. 

So if she ever did need me, I promised myself that I would be there for her. Then, in the spring, I'll convince her to come with me to try to find my cabin. I was going to get her home safely to her father.

I didn't let it show, but I was tired as hell. I sleepily watched her put away some deer jerky in a deep hole at the back of the cave.

My eyelids got heavy as I was warm and comfy. I gave in, succumbing to sleep.


When I woke up, Lyra's sleeping bag was rolled up neatly and she and her wolf- Baine, were gone. Probably to the rabbit place. I have no clue how long she'd be gone. I folded up the blanket and set it aside. I could see Lyra liked to keep her space clean.

I felt a little grimy with the dried blood, soot and dirt on me. I needed a shower, sadly there was no shower out here . I sniffed my shirt. Eww. Out here with one of the prettiest girls on planet earth and I smell like I just got out of the hog pen. Perfect.

I stuck my head out the door and surveyed my surroundings, there's a lake and little waterfall.

I quickly grabbed some clothes out of my duffel bag and went outside. I couldn't stink in front of Lyra. That'd be embarrassing. I just hoped she was gone long enough for me to get washed up and get out.

I peeled off my bandage thingy, wincing when it tugged a little harshly. The gash had stopped bleeding all together and felt okay to me. The bruise still sucked. It was tender and a little swollen, but otherwise fine.

I walked over to the large river rocks and stripped down. I stepped under the waterfall and into the pool that it fell into. The water was up to the bottom of my abs, so not too deep. I started scrubbing my hair, carefully avoiding the cut. 

The cool water streamed down my body and felt great against the gash. It was refreshing and woke me up a little, clearing my head. Some motion caught my eye and I watched as Lyra and Baine slipped through a big crack in the rock wall. 

"Hey beautiful," I called in a teasing tone to catch her attention. Girls loved to be called beautiful, and Lyra was far more than just beautiful. 

"Nathan? Nathan!! Jesus, put some clothes on!" She yelled and whipped around, covering her face with her hands.

I chuckled and stepped out of the little pool.

"What are you doing?" She asked, still turned around.

"Well, I'm taking a shower. Felt like I needed one."

She sighed and shook her head. I pulled on a new shirt, some jeans and rolled up the shirt sleeves.

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