Part 3 - Chapter 2

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"What have I done?"

Alex burst out of the French windows and stared at the broad, retreating back. Georgina shrugged.

"Nothing. He just doesn't like us very much."

It was the understatement of the century, but she wouldn't let Alex see just how much Idriss had upset her. She couldn't stop her eyes from following the dark, powerful shape as it merged with the night, couldn't stop hoping that maybe he'd change his mind, come back. A car – a sports car, judging by the sound – roared in the distance. Alex scratched his blond head.

"What happened? You two seemed to get on so well."

Georgina kept her tone light, and tamped down the irrational pain that burnt a hole inside her chest.

"The guy needs to work on his manners, that's all. It doesn't matter, because he's hired me to organise a party at the castle of Lobiera in three days' time."

Alex's face lit up.

"That's fantastic! You'll be able to root around, ask questions, find out what's happened to our inheritance. I knew you could do it, you can do anything. Forget the antique, you're the Star, Georgie!"

And he hugged her, so hard her ribs hurt. Georgina couldn't repress a smile. No matter how irresponsible or irritating he could get, she'd always love her baby brother. And get him out of the traps he kept tumbling into.

"Steady, bro. We don't even know where the jewel is. Uncle Percy made his will in England. If he didn't register it in France, then under French law Aunt Chantal inherited everything. We know she sold the castle of Lobiera and all its contents to Idriss Al-Makudi. We've no idea if the Iron Star was included in the deal. Uncle Percy could have sold it before he died. Or Aunt Chantal..."

"Could have taken it with her when she hotfooted it to Brazil with her toy boy." Alex's face turned redder. "Well, our auntie's incommunicado. Your friend Idriss is our only hope."

"Ha." Georgina replayed the past half hour in her head. "Idriss hasn't been my friend for a very long time."

Alex shrugged, ever the optimist.

"He can't hate you that much, he left you his jacket."

Georgina fingered the expensive fabric. She'd forgotten she still had it. Well, it proved nothing, except that the Sheikh was forgetful, or that he had so many made-to-measure suits he could afford to leave them lying around.

"I'll give it back to him tomorrow. But you forget I've got to win another battle before I can do that."

Alex frowned, puzzled.

"What battle?"

Georgina sighed and strode through the French windows, the familiar knot of anxiety already tightening in her throat.

"Talk to Daddy."

"No. I forbid it."

Georgina gritted her teeth. She had expected that answer. She always got it, whenever she tried to do something that didn't figure in her father's ten-point plan for the week.

"It's a great business opportunity..."

Lord Beaufort jerked his thumb at the company motto, engraved in gold on the library wall between two bookshelves. Even here, in the family home, she couldn't escape it.

"An opportunity which doesn't fit with our company strategy. Family values, Georgina. That's what we're about."

Georgina repressed the sarcastic laugh that threatened to escape her lips. Lord Beaufort had built his fortune – their fortune – on family values. Throughout the land, parents and children flocked to the Beaufort holiday resorts, hotels and parks, certain to find wholesome entertainment and healthy food at reasonable prices. Pity this had never left Lord Beaufort any time for his own family. She forced herself to speak in a reasonable voice. As if it didn't matter either way. As if Alex's future didn't depend on the outcome of the conversation.

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