17| Haimish

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H a i m i s h


(adj.) homey; cozy and unpretentious.


Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.


Rose was upset. 

After Aaron left his apartment with a slam, her eyes couldn't stay dry. There were always tears running down her cheeks, even after wiping her face clean (Aiden used his shirt, which now that she thought about it, was kind of gross) her eyes were always glassy; the tears waiting to spill down. 

Aiden helped her a lot: he held her as she cried, he wiped away her tears when her hands felt too numb to, and he even encouraged the rest to continue on with the movie. 

Aiden and Rose were the first ones to go, leaving after Rose gave Andrew his usual hug and smiles and waves to the rest. The walk home was quiet, and frankly, Rose didn't even bother with talking. 

Perhaps it was just one of the powers Aaron had over her, and there was nothing she could do about it. 

"Hey," Aiden told her softly. "Do you want to go home now?"

Rose looked at him weirdly. "Aren't I?"

A small smile crept up Aiden's lips. "Are you up for some ice cream?"

Ice cream won't fix this pain.

But Rose found herself nodding, a small smile on her lips. "Okay."

Aiden seemed pleased with himself before he took her hand and lead them both to the ice cream parlor just around the street. Rose felt grateful towards Aiden, she really did. She had no idea what she would've done if it wasn't for him. 

After he paid for their ice creams (Rose was mad at his persistence), Aiden managed to make small talk as they ate. Aiden told her a bit about his family and how he had a younger brother, and she managed to tell him about her own family. 

Aiden smiled as she rambled on about her creepy aunts and annoying cousins, and she couldn't keep her laughs quiet when he was complaining about his Mother's slight obsession with shaving gel. 

After both of them finished, Aiden walked Rose home before he went his separate way. 

And Rose couldn't thank him enough. (Literally, she couldn't stop saying 'Thank you')

When she went back home, her eyes were almost normal now except for the little swelling that was there on her lids. But Rose gave her parents quick kisses on the cheeks before she headed up to her room. 

And it was then that the silent crying started. 

Maybe it was Rose's signature way of crying, but she did it anyway. She locked her door first before she let out a soft breath. But when her eyes caught hold of Great Expectations lying on her bed side table, her tear ducts were moistening again. 

She rubbed the tears away furiously, almost as though she hated herself for crying. She took in a deep breath before she managed to change into a pair of pajamas and tie her hair into a bun. She rubbed her eyes once more before she plopped onto her bed. 

After the silent crying it was always the thinking. 

She seemed to always think about what happened, was she really not a friend to him? After all this time, after all the effort, she couldn't even reach friendship base? 

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