Chapter 6

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Thank you Nickyanne for the awesome cover at the side! <3


Claire arrived at Bishop Lodgings early in the morning, and immediately began on some paperwork in her office. Today was Saturday, so the brats weren’t in the hotel since both Mai and Simon didn’t work on weekends. However, Saturdays weren’t known to be relaxing days in Bishop Lodgings.

After a few minutes, Claire decided to go out and about in the hotel with a clipboard, in case Aiden happened to be doing the same thing as well, causing trouble for her employees.

She checked the higher floors and went down from there. By the time she got down to the first floor, she was surprised to not have met Heath Bishop the whole time. Maybe he was staying cooped up in his top floor suite for the day.

If that was the case, then Claire didn’t know whether to be thankful that he would stay out of her way, or be annoyed that he wasn’t doing anything about his hotel with the duty as the owner.

Of course, the first place Claire checked up at on the first floor was the daycare. Elli and Jenny were doing fine, but some of the older kids, four of them, came up to Claire, holding sheets of papers in their little hands. At first, she was confused, but she opened them and saw that they were notes from their parents saying it was okay for them to eat ice cream. And then there were their signatures at the bottom.

Claire couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

“You guys actually remembered this?” she said and patted each and every single one of their little heads before she looked up at Elli. “Are these legit?”

Elli nodded. “I asked the parents when they dropped them off, and they said it was okay.”

Claire laughed again and looked down at the four kids who were looking up at her with pleading eyes, wanting to eat ice cream. She looked at the other kids in the room. Some of them were too young to understand and continued to play with their toys while others were old enough to understand and were curiously looking at their direction.

She herded them off to a corner of the room for privacy before she bended down to their heights. From their ages, she guessed they were around the ages of six to nine. Due to it being the summertime right now, they were out of school and here instead when their parents worked during the daytime. These four were some of the oldest in the daycare.

Top Floor (Rendezvous #1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora