The Prophecy.

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"I love you, now and forever." I repeated resting my forehead against his and closing my eyes. "Nicole!" Ryden put me down as I looked up to see Bell running at me full speed, knocking me off my feet and on my back. "Uh, I think I found Moby Dick reincarnated."

Bell huffed while pulling me up to my feet. "Haha your so funny, and I'm not saying I hate you but if you posted on Facebook you were about to jump of a cliff I would 'poke' you." "I'm not saying I hate you, but if you got hit by a bus I would be driving that bus."

Landon by then had come out and looked at us along with Ryden as we had a little stare down then busted out laughing. "I missed you Nic, it's good to have you back." "It's good to be back, now that we've greeted each other I think it's time for more answers come on."

As I walked in my parents house I was crushed in a hug from my dad. "I knew you would come back it was just a matter of when. Now that your back I'm assuming you want more answers?" Well that's kind of the reason I'm here. "That would help a lot."

I was dragged into the living room where Mom was siting on the couch waiting for everyone to settle down. Bell and Landon sat next to Mom and Dad while Ryden pulled me on to his lap. "Was I adopted too or just Nicole?" Bell asked before I could say anything.

"Bella, you are also adopted. When Nicole was given to us by her biological parents she was about three years old, days later we found her talking to you, Bell, a four year old girl. At the time the military had given your father a day off to visit us and wanted to adopt you after searching for your parents but coming up empty, then you became his daughter and lived here when he was at work. The reason you two have always had the connection you do is because every blue-fang has a shadow walker or more commonly referred to as a defender. Bella you were born to protect Nicole, blue-fangs are extremely rare and her pain is five times as worse as anyone else, you also have powers like a blue-fang but different. Each defender has the power of numbers, when Nicole goes into win or die mode Bella will go into process mode. For example if you two were locked in a room Bella would start seeing numbers like in 3d that would tell her where the weakest spot on the door was and how much force to apply before it breaks."

"Okay now my question is what is in this tube you gave me the other day and what does it do." I asked pulling out the tube of grey-blue liquid. "When you were little you were given a similar elixir that would mute your wolf, hide your scent as a werewolf and keep you from shifting when you had turned eighteen. What your holding now will reverse the concealer elixir, if you don't drink it you will never shift into your wolf and you will not be as strong."

I looked down at the tube in my hand before opening the lid and putting it close to my lips but stopped. "One more question where are my parents?"

"That you will have to figure out for yourself, but the envelope I gave you was given to me by your parents open it you might find clues to wear they are. One more thing your parents had given us two of those elixir's one for you and one for your defender here Bella."

Once we both had the tubes in our hands we shared a looked before drinking the contents of each tube. We waited for a minute with nothing happening finally we caught each other's questioning gaze. Another minute passed until we both fell to the ground gasping and shaking.

I felt my bones being crushed and my skin ripping, I tried to scream but my cries felt muffled. Wave after wave hit me causing more pain than the last finally after what felt like hours my eyes, that I never realized I closed, opened. I woke up in a forest next to Bell.

"Where are we, and where're our mates?" "I dont know." I said looking at the clearing we were in that was surrounded by a forest and had a small river running through. "Hello girls, I know you are wondering where you are and I will tell you that right after we talk."

A soft female voice said before stepping in the light to reveal a woman with flawless skin, raven black hair, sky blue eyes and a long white flowing dress. "First off tell us who you are." Bell said getting irritated placing her hands on her hips.

"My name is Lunar, I am who the werewolves call the moon goddess but I am not a werewolf god like some make me out to be." "Then what are you?" I asked sitting by the river but where my reflection should be there was a white wolf with gold tribal markings and ice blue eyes I looked over to see Bell with the same wolf but black markings.

"Those are your wolves when you shift you will look exactly like that, now back to your question. Long ago there was a war between wolves and humans over food and land, humans would kill the wolves that crossed into their homes and wolves would kill men to close to their pups. One day a group of men dedicated to killing wolves called hunters found a pack of wolves the leader of the hunters had a daughter that he wanted to be a hunter like him. In the process the daughter had fought with the male leader of the wolves and during the fight they ended up straying from the rest. The pair had gotten their DNA mixed together enabling the female to turn in to a wolf on demand and the male turn into a human when he wished creating the first werewolves. They ended up running away together and fell in love they were the first mates. Years later they had children that were also werewolves. When the hunters found out they wanted to kill the pups, so they attacked the family and the male werewolf died but not before mixing his DNA with some of the other hunters male and female. That is how werewolves first started, I was the hunters daughter and the first werewolf besides my mate."

"Why are we here where is here?" "You are in a safe place called the Seekers Path. You are here because of the great prophecy. I had two children, brothers, one was pure of heart and one was born of great evil. Alpha Ryden and Alpha Jameson are direct descendants of my sons they are blood brother. Ryden was born to my pure son and Jameson was born to my evil son, you two will be the death of one brother and the life of the other. Which one will live will be up the fates. Go now for I can tell you no more but when you wake find the prophecy, you will know what to do when the time is right." Then she disappeared and everything went black.

Or So I Thought.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang