Chapter 6

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"Hahaha. Oh. My. God." I'm laughing so hard right now that I can't even breathe. "That... was.. hysterical. Gosh."

"I.... Ahah... Know!" Jen's literally laughing her head off.

"Breathe... Whow." I let out a huff, and wipe off a tear which slipped out from all the laughing.

"He was so pissed. But watching him pump every single one... it took him over an hour! Ahha... and when he found your note. His reaction... hhahahaha." Jen bursts out once again.

According to yesterday's planning we did what we wanted to. It was unbelievable. I had no idea he that he knew so many profanities. He even started yelling in spanish! Jen translated it to me that he was saying I will murder that bitch in a heartbeat! That just caused made me want to laugh more.On top of that, he started pumping over forty of them. I was dying, and the best part was that we recorded all of it. The note I left had a winky face on it, and I wrote R=1/ H=0.

"What happened to you two?" Kylie asks as we walk up to her.

"Nothing." We both shrug. We look at each other at the same time and burst out laughing again.

"Hey! Tell me." She whines like a little kid.

"Fine we will. So what happened was..." Jen tells Kylie almost everything with major details, and shows the video we took.

Today we're going to the beach. I'm actually really excited. I don't surf or anything, but I'm excited to swim in the ocean, see some hot shirtless guys, and work on my tan. Pretty much my life goals right now are just to relax and have fun.

"Oh my god. I've never seen Heath so pissed off." Kylie says.

"Whatever I won! He's probably going to give up by my second prank." I grin.

"Do you even have a second prank?" Kylie asks.

"I'm still working on it." I partially admit.

"More like still thinking of it." Okay, maybe I don't have a second prank planned, yet! But Heath doesn't need to know that pshh.

"Stop being a downer." I scold tired of talking about Heath. "Can we go now? I mean it's already eleven."

"Yup." Kylie says popping the 'p'. We decided that since I don't have a car, and Jen's car is at the mechanics Kylie was going to drive us to Venice Beach which was only like a twenty minute drive from here.

"Okay then let's go." Jen opens the door to the passenger seat.

"But..." Kylie starts.

Jen sighs closing the door." But what?"

"I invited Dylan so we just have to wait for him."

"What? You invited your boyfriend on a girls day out?!" Jen sounded disappointed.

"Kind of. I mean, we're both always busy, and he was free today and so was I, so I invited him. I'm sorry, okay?" Jen just stares at Kylie," I couldn't break his heart. I don't care if you like it or not he's coming."

"It's not okay But you are a stubborn ass so fine." Jen groans. I don't really care. In a way I guess it's good, I'll spend a day with Dylan and in the process I could get information about Heath out of him. Learn a couple of things about him as well, who knows we might become good friends. I smirk while liking pictures on Instagram, and sitting in the back of the car.

I hear the front doors slam shut and I look at Jen and Kylie sitting down. "Is he here?" I ask.

"Um, no. He said he's going to drive himself there."

Bad is an Understatement | ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin