Chapter 8- Dom Adam

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The drive to Adam's house was a blur of sexual desire and despair. The first half of the drive to his house was the One Night stand Queen anticipating whatever it was that Adam was going to do but as much as I wanted the brave front to fathom it seemed that the crushing blow that Laurence caused in my heart was much heavier than any sexual wants. But I refused to cry. I couldn't let myself break down like before. 

I guess, in retrospect I should have seen this coming. I mean what sain, straight, healthy male would refrain from sex for 5 years? I mean I only lasted two years before I dived into a sexual world of pleasure/pain. How could I, then, expect that from Laurence? Maybe I thought he loved me too much to cheat on me. Just like I thought that I didn't love him enough and that's why I cheated on him so easily. But now that the hurt has turned into a dull ache thanks to the one night stand queen the loneliness and emptiness finally made itself known. Our love for eachother had nothing to do with this or maybe it was our love for eachother that had everything to do with this. 

I shook the thoughts away when I pulled into Adam's spacious nieghborhood. I couldn't let myself go back even if my life without Laurence will forever be this lonely empty feeling. It was too late now. Too much damage was done to turn back. I turned up the driveway of the perfect suburban home, with it's impeccably cut grass and beautifully trimmed bay bushes. It had always been weird to come to Adam's home when it looked this normal. I'm sure he even had normal nieghbors and I'm guessing that none of them knew just what kind of man they had in their innocent nieghtborhood. 

Turning the headlights off and shutting off my car I pulled down the visor, trying in vain to look at least a little put together. Only succeeding a fraction before giving up and climbing out of the car. Walking up the stone path to the front door I pushed Dahlia, me, as far away as possible so that no vulnerablity could be seen through. I didn't want Adam seeing me this broken.

I took deep breaths, willing the queen to the front but before I could even get my knuckles to rasp against the door it swung open to reveal Adam. I held in a gasp of aroused surprise at the sight of him, drinking in his half naked glory as he smirked down at me with that sultry half tilted smile. I smiled up at him before biting my lip when my eyes traveled down his body. 

Adam was, and is, tall dark and handsome. Standing at a whopping 6'3" his lean build towered over mine. His hair a dark chocolatey color flopped a little in his eyes as if he needed a slight trim. He pushed the hair out of his eyes, revealing equally dark chocolate colored eyes with thick dark lashes surrounding them. The movement drew my eyes to his sculpted arms and chest, my eyes dropping down to washboard abs. His body would make even Ryan Lochete jealous of the swimmers leaness of it. Low fitted jeans hugged his thick muscled thighs, perfect feet bare. 

A deep chuckle interupted my scrunity of him and brought my eyes back to his handsome face. High cheekbones softened his obvious masciline face, his full, juicy lips still in that beautiful, sultry tilt. 

"I see you still like what you see." He said in that deep panty-dropping voice of his. And he was right I still did like what I saw. He hadn't changed a bit, still looking as sexy as ever, still having the ability to shoot desire right down to my pussy. 

"You know I always will." I told him walking right up to him as he leaned against the door jab with the doorknob in this hand. He didn't waste any time as he reached up to my neck and pulled my face inches from his own. 

"You kept me waiting a long time." He said, his hot, minty breath brushing accross my lips and I felt a shiver run my spine at the feel.

"It isn't like you actually minded." I breathed against his now serious lips and as my hooded eyes looked into his I caught a flash of something in them before it was quickly gone replaced by that sexy smile I loved him wearing. The silence stretched on between us as we continued to lock eyes, desire coating the murky depths of them. Finally the heated gaze was becoming too much, the grip he had at the back of my neck was becoming too much and all I wanted was to get his dick inside me so he could pound me into an eartth shattering orgasm that was very much needed. 

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