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Allie yawned and rubbed her eyes, pushing the last packed box away, she fell back into bed.

Tomorrow was the day, the day they would say goodbye to the place they'd always known.

She knew her baby wasn't happy about it but it was for his own good. If she really wanted to be the kind of mom she desired to be, she had to get herself and her son away from here.

She heard the front door open and slam close. She shook her head, her best friend was never quiet, everything Molly did was loud.

"I still don't get why you guys have to move."

Molly said, crossing her arms over her chest as she came to stand on the doorway, she leaned on the threshold.

She seemed more distraught about them moving than James was.

Allie just looked at her and sigh.

James skipped into the room just as she was going to ask of him.

"Hi mommy."

She flashed him her two hundred megawatt smile.

"Hey baby."

She smoothed his hair lovingly.

"Aunt Molly had Bonnie wrap up your dinner for you."

He said, turning to glace briefly at Molly.

"Hey! It was your idea."

Molly pointed an accusing finger at James.

"Awe thank you guys."

She smiled at the two of them.

"I'll be in the kitchen eating."

She said, got up and dashed to the kitchen.

While munching from the plastic plate, her eyes caught James's figure standing at the door.

She turned to him and motioned him to come closer.

"We really are leaving tomorrow right?"

He took slow short steps towards her.

"Mommy I don't want to be the new kid in school, I'll be all alone."

He said, coming to stand in front of her.

Allie shook her head.

"That's where you've got it all wrong."

She placed her plate on the island table.

And pulled him into her arms.

"You get to have a new cool house, your own bedroom and I'll be there with you. Okay."

James nodded, wrapping his small arms around her.

She released him slowly and went back to eating.

"I have to get going guys, Tyler will be back soon."

Molly said, handbag in hand and ready to leave.

Tyler was Molly's husband, they've been married for over to three years and they were James's Godparents.

"Don't worry JP, I'll be here tomorrow as early as possible okay."

Molly said when she saw James face fall.

James nodded and tugged at her hand until she bent over. He stood on the tip of his toes and kissed her cheek.

Allie gave her friend a small wave before she left.

"Come on love, let's get you ready for bed."

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