Chapter 13 (original version)

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I still had the barrel of the shotgun aimed between Durbin's eyebrows. I spared a look at Rich who had uncovered his face, showing off a deep gash on his left cheekbone. Blood slowly trickled out now over blood that had dried. He looked to me appreciatively, but instead of acknowledging him I looked away slightly annoyed at him at the moment.

My eyes fell upon Cody who was still trapped under Durbin. I pleaded to him with my eyes, wondering what is it I should do. Should I kill Durbin, or should I let him live? Cody shook his head, which didn't answer my question. No, I shouldn't kill him, or no I shouldn't let him live? I argued with myself in my head, turning my head side to side as I thought of the repercussions.

I switched my gaze to Durbin who was frozen where he kneeled. There was complete silence from everyone when we locked eyes. I don't think I even heard them breathing. My nerves started to boil inside of me as I started to pull the trigger. When I saw Durbin close his eyes and whisper something under his breath, I stopped. I took a long look at him and then brought the butt of the gun down against his temple, knocking him out.

Durbin's body went limp like a noodle and fell to Cody's side. Cody kicked off Durbin's legs with disgust and stood up, grabbing the gun from me. He held it out to Rich who stumbled over to take it gladly.

Cody turned his attention back to me. “Why didn't you do it?” He asked; his gray eyes piercing into mine.

“He said something when he thought he was going to die,” I said looking down at sleeping Durbin. “I want to know what it was.”

I could tell Cody wasn't sure how to react, but Rich stepped in saving him. He had torn a shirt off of the rack and held it to his bleeding cheek.

“Who's up for some tuna salad sandwiches?” Rich said. Cody chuckled at his dad's optimism and volunteered to go get the ingredients. Rich handed him the shotgun and Cody set off on his mission.

I glanced over to where Selma and Aundrea had been to see that they had gotten out their sleeping bags and laid them across the floor. Aundrea looked up at me.

“Thanks for not shooting that man,” Aundrea said. “I know he cusses a lot but he found me some chocolate.” I watched as she pulled a Snickers out of her pocket. “Mmm, I loooove Snickers.”

Selma snatched the candy out of Aundrea's hand. “Not before bedtime,” She said authoritatively. Good to know that she still expected her daughter to mind her. I heard Aundrea give out a whine as she started to argue with her mother.

I turned to look at Rich who was smirking at me.

“What?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

“Look at you,” Rich said. “Growin' up and takin' care of business.” He reached over and gave me a slap on the back. Even though I was irritated with him for acting cowardly, I still gave him a smile.

We all sat in silence, except for Aundrea who kept talking about her two dogs she had, “Well used to have,” She had to keep correcting herself.

When Cody came back he had an armful of bread, tuna, and mayo with the other arm carrying the shotgun. He plopped it down by Rich and came to sit next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. I leaned my head against his shoulder and watched as Rich used a hanger to stir the tuna and mayo together.

With a full belly and a quenched thirst I rolled my sleeping bag out next to Cody's. Rich had declared that he would keep watch and leaned back against a pillar with the shotgun in his hands.

I laid down on top of my sleeping bag and Cody laid next to me, holding out his arms for me. I scooted close to him and laid my head on his chest, feeling his arm wrap around my waist. I could hear his heartbeat faster when I rested my hand on his stomach.

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