Chapter 8 The Next Day

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I awoke the next day later than my usual get up time, still tired and feeling like I had not had much sleep at all. I quietly head into the spare bedroom where my wife is and see her sleeping soundly away in the small single bed. The room is practically a tip with junk everywhere. We were still in the process of cleaning the room out, decluttering it, and had made enough room for it to be sleepable in. Natayla is sleeping soundly, her clothes by the bed. I notice they are just plain clothes. Blue jeans, t-shirt and a vneck jumper. None of the smart dresses she uses to go clubbing in which explains why she had not been seen in any of the nightclubs according to Jason. I walk up to her bed and shake her gently to wake her. She opens her eyes and looks up at me. I notice her face is a bit pale, her long hair messy. She has no make up on. Usually, when she goes clubbing, she slaps on ten ton of the stuff, concealer, mascara, lipstick. And when she comes in after her late night benders at the club's and bars, she usually still has it on. But looking at her now, it did not seem like she had any make-up on when she was out. I don't even smell the slightest hint of alcohol in her breath.
"Hi Michael," she says with a smile, her voice slightly dry. "Sorry I didn't reply to you sooner. I was out at Brenda's house".
"You were quite late," I pointed out to her. "Is everything okay?"
She nodded slowly. "I'm not going into work today. I don't feel too good".
"Is it me?" I asked her.
Natayla reached out a hand and touched my cheek. "There's nothing you done and I love you. But there is something I will need to tell you later".
"Like what?" I asked her. "Cant you tell me now?"
"I'm not leaving you if that's what you are thinking. But something has happened that you need to know".
I wanted to know what it was she wanted to tell me, but she urged me to get myself ready for work. She didn't want me being late and getting into trouble with the management. She didn't want any breakfast ready. She assurred me that she would be okay. So knowing that time was running out, I took a short breakfast of cereal and coffee, some juice with my supplements before grabbing my coat and some money to get some sandwiches from the vending machine at work. I left the house five minutes earlier than expected and the rest of the journey passed without any problems on the road. No roadworks, accidents, heavy traffic. It was practically a clean drive. Probably the best I had in ages. If there was a God, he was certainly looking out for me. But despite this, the question still burned in my mind as to what my wife wanted to tell me later on...

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