Fear of Flying

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"Do not raise your voice, do not talk unnecessarily,do not run,do not mess around, do not daze off, do not get too friendly do not disobey, do not shout do not scream do not whine do not complain do not argue with me do not tell me what to do and most of all do NOT touch me." He says looking down at me he looked so intimidating.

"Am I clear?"

"Mhm" I mumble.

"Good.Very good."

"Well you better get packing. " He says before heading out.

My eyes are actually wet from fear. Holy. He's like a monster breathing down my neck. He's so scary and mean. You know when I see his face it makes me wanna give him a bruise on his pretty face. That feeling of breaking his mouth! If I can't beat him in real might as well in my head.


"Well you should sleep early. Your flight is at 10 am in the morning. Meaning you'll be leaving at about 8 am. 7 am you'll wake up . So you might wanna sleep early okay?" Mama says and I nod.

"Yaseen! Good you're here come eat. She turns her attention towards him and he takes a glance at me and back to his mom.

"I'll be down in a bit."

"Hurry before it gets cold...Sumi made it you know" She says and can I just say she said it in the most, cutest way ever. you know when a little girl says it all shy that's literally how she said it.

"Oh. I don't really wanna eat." He says and then heads up. I don't really wanna eat he's such a brat he thinks he's so cool by having that ego and his stupid big manly voice like I'm too good for her. Well it's not like I want him to eat my food anyway. He can starve for all I care. So bossy.

But again. I feel bad. I don't know why. It's like he's trapped in this box. Well actually I hate him more so it's fine he can starve.


After cleaning up, I head up to pray. walking past his room the door was half way open. And there he was reading Qur'an. Okay, what? He makes NO sense. Okay he goes to the mosque prays respects his mom but he acts like a complete asshole.

What's his deal?

Hm...I feel the need to ask his mom about this.

I mean I'm not saying assholes can't recite the Qur'an but I'm curious as to why all the sudden he's decided to pray.



She turns to look up at me.

"yeah what's up?"

"Does Yaseen...always read Qur'an?"

"oh" she smiles.

"Um I wish. But um he usually reads when he's about to go abroad like whenever he's gonna go on an airplane, or anything big. Something similar to that. Then he'll pray two raq'at but yes. He does do that. But he does read the Qur'an in Ramadan time. Also...I am very proud to say that he has even lead Salah in the mosque before. A couple of times. I wasn't there obviously but he told me and my friends and many people complimented him. It made me feel so good Wallah. "

I nod and smile.

"Okay I was just curious. I'm gonna go sleep now Salam Alaykum." I say and she nods.

He's so..confusing. I don't understand. I really don't.


My eyes shoot open hearing the alarm.

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