Part Ten: After All

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Gracina was back almost before anyone could tell she had left. With Amet, whose clothes had been changed to ornate Arabian wear. But he didn't seem surprised. Gracina's curiosity got the best of her. "You seem like you aren't impressed." Amet looked at her straight in the eyes. "It's because I knew. Even before you told me about the Royals, I knew." Gracina smiled as she realized what he meant. "You're Egypt's Helper...." Averia motioned the couple over. In a moment, she returned and addressed the crowd. "My people, you came here for a wedding, and a wedding you shall have!"
The doors opened for a bride for the second time that day. Gracina's dress was beautiful, simple, and decidedly Egyptian. When she reached Amet, the ceremony began. "People of Arabia, you have come to a joyous occasion. You have come for a union of two people, the bride and groom. Amet, do you promise to lead and to love, to protect, honor, and care for Gracina, and to take her as your wife, forever to be yours?" "I do." "And do you Gracina promise to honor and love, to cherish and care for Amet, and take him as your husband, forever to be yours?" "I do." "This day, all of you are witness to this promise. Amet and Gracina, may you live long and happily. I now pronounce you husband and wife!" The people cheered as the couple exchanged their first kiss. Averia looked at her friends. All were smiling, and two or three had tears in their eyes. It was a good day. Then she looked at Olek. He was happy. Sad, but happy. Someday. Averia smiled even bigger. Yes, someday, maybe they would get married. But just now, it was her time, and Averia was happy for her friend.

So she cheered the loudest.

This is a picture of Gracina's wedding dress.

Royals Through Time 5: The ArabiansWhere stories live. Discover now