Chapter 18 - Diana

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I sit cross legged on my bed as Cassadee shows me all the pictures she took last night at prom. I smile down at the one she slides me, Roxas had his arm around my waist, smiling at me instead of the camera. 

"He definitely  likes you." Cass informs me with a smile, "I mean, you are the only girl I've ever seen him with for such a long period of time - besides Beatrice." 

"What is up with her anyway?" I ask, turning Cass "I haven't seen her around lately."

"She was caught sneaking into the boys locker room; was suspended or something. " Cass snickers, "She's truly a weirdo. The guys would be all over her if she wasn't so obsessive and a biznotch." 

 "She is pretty." I agree, holding up my favorite picture or Roxas and I. It was taken during one of the Dances, the corny disco ball hung over our heads. I smile and pin it to the cork-board above my bed. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and quickly pull it out, reading a text message from Roxas. 

Roxas: Do u have plans tonight? x

I lick my bottom lip and look up at Cass, showing her the text. Tonight Cass and I were supposed to have a 'girl's night' - you know: Chick flicks, Cookies&Cream Ice cream, horrible make overs, and ignoring each other while we sit on our computers. Cass gives me this cheesy smile and takes out her own phone, giving me a look of mock surprise.

"Oh, gosh. I can't believe this, Alek is having trouble with Lucas. That kid is so Colicky, I need to head on home. Sorry, Roni." 

She quickly grabs her over night bag, hugs me and winks on her way out. I laugh at the whirl wind called Cass and reply to Roxas.

Me: Seems like my plans just walked out the door, I'm free. What's up? 

I lay my phone down for a second before the text tone goes off, I smile and grab my phone. 

Roxas: We're goin' on a date. Dress Casual. Be there in 20 min. 

Twenty minutes. I toss my phone on my bed and run into the bathroom to get ready; a date with Roxas! I take a quick shower and throw my hair into a messy, yet stylish bun and put on a pair of grey skinny jeans that are ripped at the knees and a Sleeping With Sirens band tee. I put on a thin layer of eyeliner and some mascara to make my eyes pop. 

My doorbell rings as I'm tying up my black and white All Star Converse. I give myself a quick once over in the hallway mirror before walking outside to meet him. He smiles when he sees me and offers me the helmet to his motorcycle. I groan and roll my eyes as I take the helmet. The Motocycle is scary, but it's a good excuse to be able to wrap my arms around Roxas. I smile softly as he leads the way to his bike. I suck up my fear and climb on after him, hugging him tightly before we even start. I feel vibrations run through him and I know he is laughing at me. Jerk. 

"Where are we going?" I ask,  my voice mumbled because of the helmet.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." He chuckles as he starts up the bike, and before I can even give him a reply we are off. I have to stop myself from squealing in surprise. I try to look around and see where we're going, but its all going by to fast. We ride for what seems like forever, until the bike finally comes to a stop - all I wanted to do was drop to the floor and kiss the ground. But, I don't. 

I take in my surrondings and see we are infront of an old small cafe that I didn't recognize. I throw a questioning glance to Roxas who just shrugs and walks in ahead of me. I have to speed walk to keep up with him.

The bell above the door rings as we walk in. A short, fire-truck red haired woman peaks around the door to the kitchen and a huge smile graces her face. 

"Roxas, You're here!" She waddles towards us, bumping into everything in her path. Once she reaches us, she grabs Roxas by the shoulders and pulls him into a hug. It must have been tight, because I swear both of their faces turn bright pink. Once she releases him, I watch as he tries to gain his breath back, but there is a wide smile on his face, one that I have never seen before. 

She then turns to me, her smile is still there, but turns into a sly one. She nudges Roxas' arm and nods at me.

"And who is this beauty?" 

Roxas chuckles, pulling my arm so I'm standing close to him again.

"Diana, this is Veronica, or Roni for short. She's the girl I've been telling you about." Roxas winks, wait, he's been talking about me? I don't know if I should be suspicious, or happy. Then, Roxas turns to me. "Roni, this is Diana, she's kind of like my grandma." 

"Kind of ?" Diana shakes her head, sucking her teeth. "Dear, I am your grandmother. We might not be related by blood, but boy, I'm the one who raised your smart ass self." She then turns to me and pulls me into a hug, just like Roxas and I felt the tightness first hand. This woman has some strong arms for a small elderly woman. "It's so nice to finally meet you Roni, this boy has not shut up about you since the day you must have met. 'She has such blue eyes' or 'she's so pretty.' My personal favorite was 'I think I will marry this woman'." 

"I never said that!" Roxas' cheeks are pink and he is trying to glare at her, but the love in his eyes wont let him. This is a new side to him that I have never seen and that I'm priviledge to know. I want to know more about him, I want to know everything. I giggle at Roxas's facial expression and step out of the bone-crushing hug.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," I say smiling as I rub my upper arms. She leads us over to a little table in the corner of the Cafe and tells us to stay while she makes us some coffee and cupcakes. I turn to Roxas who is smiling at me. 

"She seems nice." I want to ask him so many questions, who is she? Where are his parents? Is this where he lives?

"She is," Roxas' face softens more and he looks at the door where Diana just dissapeared into. "She raised me, because my parents couldnt." His eyes turn stormy as if remembering something that he wish he hadn't. I bite my lip and refrain myself from asking, I just put my hand over his and squeeze.

"We don't have to talk about it right now."

"No, I want to." Roxas nods, "You have the right to know, and after that...I want to know something from you too." 

I nod and he sucks in a huge breath, readying himself for the his life story.  I have myself thinking, It couldn't be that bad. His childhood couldn't have been as horrible  as mine, right?

Man, was I wrong. 


Been busy, but here it is, the next chapter :)

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